Visiting Sitakunda and Chittagong city.

The intention was to celebrate this Victory Day at the peak of Chandranath. That’s what works. I fixed the plan with 6 people. The beach attracts me more so my purpose is to visit the beaches in the late afternoon. The group has hill or fountain laver so plan altogether.

# Chandranath Hills
# Guliyakhali Beach
# Sitakunda Eco Park
# Suptadhara and Sahasradhara Jharna
# Bashabaria Beach
# Naval Venue
#Patenga Beach
# ParkyBeach

I will visit Sitakunda and Chittagong city. I budgeted for 2000 TK for 1 night stay and two days travel. I started the journey on the night of the 15th by collecting a total of 12,000 TK.







I wanted to go by train but the intercity trains do not stop at Sitakunda station so I got a ticket from Shyamoli Paribahan for Tk 480 and got up from Abdullahpur. And the next day being Victory Day, I cut the ticket the day before.
We reached Sitakunda at 5.45 in the morning. After freshening up, I had breakfast and left on foot for Chandranath. I climbed the mountain in 2 hours and breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how hard you try to get up, sitting on the top of the hill will bring peace to your mind in 5 minutes.
After seeing Chandranath hill at 10 o’clock I left for Guliyakhali. It used to be near Echo Park, the cost was also low but since everyone is tired, I came around the beach first.
Guliyakhali Beach has been posted before. Really awesome. We went down even though it was not an ideal place to take a bath.







I left Guliyakhali at 12 o’clock and entered Eco Park. I walked from the gate to Suptadhara. Distance: 1.1 km
You have to go some distance with CNG and go down to the foot of the hill again. There was less water in the fountain but not at all.
Sahasradharaya or more waterless and did not go a little farther.

I left Echo Park and reached Bashbaria Beach at 4 pm. I have nowhere else to sit and watch the sunset.
Since it is Victory Day, I have to come here and suffer a lot. There is a lot of walking on the narrow road called private car slope.





The first day is over. I returned at night to Chittagong railway station. I thought I would buy a return ticket and check in at the hotel but I didn’t get a ticket. I went out and bought a ticket for the Saudi bus. I bought two rooms at the hotel. The rent is 1000 TK total. The rooms were comfortable enough.






2nd day
Leave the hotel at 10 a.m. Naval Venue. There is nothing to see at noon. Then Patenga Beach. The tide was out when we went. After lunch there, Parki’s char.

Not to mention two things about Parky. Can be called under rated beach. It has all the beauty of the beach except the ripples.
From there I crossed the Karnafuli Bridge on foot on the way back to see the sunset. In the night light the bridge looked impossibly beautiful.
Return bus at 10.10 pm. From the railway station.

Now let’s come to the cost. 6000 bus fare for 6 people. 1000 TK hotel rent.
The remaining 5000 TK. Of these, all meals for two days, CNG, Laguna, mini bus fare, park entry fee. Note that we ate a little light dinner.
This is how anyone can turn around by distributing time beautifully. I did not write the internal rent. If anyone wants to know, you can ask.



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