Lisi is a small town in the Netherlands.

Located in Lisse, a small town in northern Netherlands. Not far from Amsterdam’s famous Schiphol Airport. Kokenhof means Kitchen Garden, better known as the Garden of Europe. This is one of the largest and most attractive flower gardens in the world. It has an area of ​​69 acres / 32 hectares and seven million (60 lakh) flower seeds are planted here annually. Tufts will not be seen in Kokenhof all year round, the garden is open from mid-March to mid-May.





Tulip fields can also be seen across the vast wilderness outside the garden. Arranged in rows of one-of-a-kind tulips, the tulip continues to spread across the vast field. Here tulips are cultivated on a commercial basis and are exported all over Europe and the world. Commercial production as well as personal hobbies and tulip worship have been the headlines for centuries. Hundreds of poems have been written about tulips. Part of the famous movie Silsila was shot in this tulip garden. Many noble people came to this traditional flower garden. Queen Juliana was the main patron of the garden.








With a collection of about seven million flowers, Aparupa has to pay some attention to see him. A guide book also matches the ticket price for 16 euros. Huge area for buses, car parking, an orderly environment everywhere. The entrance arch is interesting. Before entering the garden, the tulips began to greet the beauties. There are small canals across the garden and aesthetic bridges over it, there are also touches of flowers. All you need to do is dress up or take a picture of the newlyweds, just come to this garden. Multicolored tulips will welcome, greet, exchange genuine love.


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