Udaliya Jharna.

There is a lot of wonderful beauty hidden in nature, one such wonderful place is Udalia. Udaliya is a wonderful natural place with mountains, waterfalls, small rhymes and deep forests. The special attraction here is the fountain. There is a large fountain and a few more small fountains in its vicinity.
Location -> Hathazari, Chittagong.
Getting there -> 5-6 km west of Katirhat on Chittagong-Nazirhat road, Bashir Hat, Bashirhat, you can find the fountain by walking for about 1 hour with a small water rhyme. Although there is water all year round, the spring returns to its full youth in the rainy season, so it is better to go in the rainy season. You can also go by local car if you want.





Caution -> It is better to take dry food and water while leaving.


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