Dhaka-Kolkata-Kalka-Shimla-Manali-Delhi-Kolkata-Dhaka Travel.

I got on the bus from Savar in Dhaka at 11 pm and went to Benapole at 5 am. After finishing immigration work, I had breakfast and got on the bus to Kolkata at 1 pm. After that, I went to Fairley. I bought a train ticket to go to Kalka at 8 pm the next night. After fixing the hotel and leaving Kolkata the next day, I visited the Howrah Bridge-Belur Moth-Dakhineshwar Kali Temple.



There are many ways to reach Shimla from Kolkata. But the only attraction of the 33-hour train journey to Kalka was the toy train on the Kalka-Shimla route. Along with other hill railways in India, the Kalka-Shimla railway has also been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
I came to Kalka and got off at 4.30 in the morning. Around
Feeling dark and cold. As soon as the darkness subsided, small and big mountains fell in front of me. Not getting a toy train ticket, I bribed TT to get on the train. The train left at 5.20.



Toy train: Huge glass windows to view the outside of the train. It is still dark outside. Nothing looks good. In the darkness, the train began to climb up and down the hill, twisting like a snake. Our seat was on the right, by the window. Whenever the bend was turning, the rear rooms were clearly visible from the front room. The lighted rooms in the darkness looked strange! One thing, try to sit in the right seat. Because the whole journey will move to the right side of the window. Gradually the train will go up the hill. It is understood that the toy train is crossing one tunnel after another. The sun is shining brightly in the room through the window. At first, I saw some small hill houses on both sides. But after some distance, they disappeared. Sometimes high mountains on one side and deep ravines on the other. Never again small fountains. Panoramic view of the Himalayas. The railway line has 103 tunnels and 64 bridges. The sun is shining outside. Clear skies. The sun-drenched hills, valleys, jungles, fountains, houses are moving away from the windows. The train is passing one station after another.



The speed of the train slowed down at 11 am. I looked outside and saw a board with the word ‘Shimla’ moving away from the window. Our journey is over! We had the pleasure of witnessing a strange experience.



Shimla and Manali: Beware of brokers in Shimla. 4 people bought a package for getting off at Shimla for 19,500 rupees (the package included Shimla-Kullu-Manali-Manikaran-Mandi-Green Valley-Kufri-Solang Valley + Hotel for 4 days).



Solang Valley: I did paragliding for 1000 rupees short fling. high fling Rs. cable car 600 rupees.



Kullu: river rafting 4 people 3200 rupees.
Shimla Mall Road is much more beautiful than Manali Mall Road, especially at night.



After 4 days we left for Delhi. After arriving in Delhi in the morning, I turned around all day and left for Kolkata at night. After coming to Kolkata, I left New Market for Dhaka the next day.


When to go to Shimla Manali –

The weather is beautiful from March to June. Ideal for adventure sports. But don’t get ice.

July to September – the rainy season. Ideal time if you want to enjoy green Shimla. But there is a fear of collapse.

October to February – the perfect time to see snowfall. But the bone-chilling cold

Note: Refrain from any activities that harm the environment while traveling. Do not throw dirt everywhere. Show respect for the locals and their way of life.


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