Off-season trip to St. Martin.

Want to travel on a roller coaster, but off-season St. Martin’s maybe your best option. There is no tourist noise in St. Martin in the off-season, so standing on a rainy night can sometimes make you think you are the king of Cinnamon Island !! Unable to resist the urge to be king for three days, I returned from St. Martin in late June.



You won’t find too many discrepancies between the off-season and the season at St.Martin’s. Traveling from Teknaf to St.Martin’s in the season will be safe and comfortable, but traveling from Teknaf to St.Martin’s in the off-season will be difficult and unsafe. But in the off-season, you will find noise-free islands, secluded beaches and much less expensive than in the off-season. So off-season best idea for those who want to give a budget tour. The only way to travel from Teknaf to St. Martin in the off-season is by trawler, trawler fare is 230 TK, it takes about three and a half hours, which is unsafe, so you must check the weather before traveling because the cost of living is much higher than traveling. Depending on the tide leaving the trawler from Teknaf, the tide was about three o’clock when we left, and it was almost dark when we arrived.
(Trawler Line Man: – 01730668862)



You will get resorts for much less than the season, but not all resorts are open in the off-season. Best Beach View Resorts for those who like a little more solitude and tranquility. We got up at the “cosmos cottage” resort (coral), a fair distance from the market. Very large room with two beds, rent only 600 / – TK. Which is rented at about three thousand rupees per season. It is better to talk to the people of the resort and decide on the food, it will cost less to eat. Which will wear a lot more if you eat out. We have lunch and dinner with tuna mash, dal, rupchanda fry, and coral fish. 120 / – per person per day which is much less than the price of outside news.
(Resort cosmos cottage: – 01316376917)




If you want to get to the island from St. Martin’s main island, you can walk or pedal the bike and go. Before you go, find out the tide time. The bicycle rental was 40 TK per hour.



If you go to St. Martin, you must take a few days with you, because if you go to St. Martin, you will not be able to enjoy St. Martin at night unless you have a day or two. St. Martin at night is truly captivating. When you go to St. Martin’s, don’t forget to take a dab test, otherwise, you may feel like an incomplete tour. You can get big sweet dab at 20/25 rupees near the jetty in the market. However, if you are lucky enough to be like us and the group member knows how to climb a tree, you can also get the experience of eating coconut from the tree.



B: Note: << >>



, First of all, you should keep in mind that you are going on a trawler which is unsafe, so your morale needs to be strong, otherwise, offseason is not for you;


>> Be sure to check out the weather forecast before heading to St.Martin;
>> Keep a photocopy of your birth certificate, identity card or passport with you before going to St. Martin, may be required at the time of checking;
>> You must keep a hat or umbrella with you, you will understand the need of the trawler in the hot sun just then;
>> Those who suffer from seasickness must avoid trawler travel in full swing;
>> In case of leaving the island, you must take a bottle of water with you;
>> In the off-season St.Martin is relatively secluded, so don’t forget to close the doors and windows when leaving the room;
>> The locals of St. Martin are very friendly so treat them and friends;
>> The amount of sweet water in St. Martin is very low, so if you do not want to send your child on a trip to St. Martin with a bag full of pony, avoid the abuse of sweet water;
>> If there is any garbage that you have used and in front of your eyes, pick it up and throw it in a certain place and protect the marine environment; (St. Martin has a penguin-shaped dustbin for dumping garbage).



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