Palmerstone: The last island in the world.

The sea and the island will be among the most attractive travel destinations for thousands of travel thirsty people all over the world. Keeping in mind their travel needs, many countries of the world are constantly making profits by improving their seas and nearby islands. These places full of extraordinary beauty can win the hearts of everyone. Palmerstone is such an extraordinary island. However, Palmerstone is thought to be different from the other ten islands because it is called the last island in the world.






About one and a half years ago, in 183, an English gentleman named William Masters discovered the island after overcoming many adversities. He married Akakaingoro, the daughter of the Cook Islands chief, and moved to the island. Although William began settling many years ago today, Palmerstone is still almost isolated from the civilized world. Only 72 people live on the entire island.

There are very few people living in this place all over the world where the population is increasing in time and they are all descendants of William. Only twice a year a ship sails to the island with the necessary supplies. At this time any tourist can come if he wants. However, if a tourist cannot catch a ship on his way back, he will have to spend the rest of the year on the island. Because there is no mobile network or internet facility.






Many believe that the owner of Palmerstone Island is basically William Masters. But in fact it is not. The first owner of the island was a British businessman named John Brander. William looked after the island on behalf of this merchant. As soon as he started living permanently on the island, he started planting numerous palm trees around the island. At first, the British trader used to come to Palmerstone every six months to collect coconut oil. But gradually the rate of coming to the island began to decrease. Fishing is the occupation of most of the people of the island. They also have a small office of their own. There are also schools for the education of the island’s children. The people of the island visit once a year. However, this tour is limited to a nearby island.

It is only possible to reach the island by navigating the Pacific Ocean for nine days and crossing stormy storms. Since there are thousands of obstacles on the way to the island, usually no one wants to come to the island. The island of this extraordinary beauty is still a huge surprise to many in this modern age. But if someone is in dire need or has a desire to enjoy. Then you have to fly from London to Los Angeles to reach Tahti. Then you have to go to the island by boat from Tahti. That boat also took five days to reach here again. But once you cross a hundred obstacles and reach the island, you will see a group of people ready to greet you by boat.


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