How to reach Chandpur from Dhaka by launch.

First you have to buy a ticket and enter the Dhaka launch dock. Ticket price – 5 TK.

The launches left Chandpur from Dhaka Launch Ghat Terminal 2.




If you go to the launch ‘deke’ (100 rupees) then you can buy a ticket when you get off the launch, otherwise you have to buy a ticket when you enter the launch.
The lower chair – 150 rupees.
Single Cabin – Rs.400 / 500 (Non AC / AC)
Double Cabin – Rs. 800/900 (Non AC / AC)

If 4-5 people go, take a single cabin and leave the bag in it and then everyone can go around. In this case, one has to pay the rent of the cabin and the rest of the deck rent.




The current launch schedule for this route is:

From Dhaka, Chandpur

6:00 7:00
6:45 7:45
6:20 8:20
6:00 7:00
8:35 9:00
9:15 9:30
9:50 10:00
10:25 10:30
11:00 11:00
11:25 11:20
11:45 12:00
12:30 1:00
1:30 ——
02:30 2:00
03:30 2:30
04:30 3:40
05:30 ——
6:45 5:00
6:45 7:00
10:30 6:00
11:00 ——-
11:30 10:20
11:30 11:10
12:00 12:15
12:30 12:30

The distance from the launch ghat to the big station fish ard / railway station is 1.5 km. Rent – Rs. 20 (Rickshaw)





The distance from Ard to Kalibari is 1.3 km. Rent – TK. 5 (Auto)

One minute ice cream – 40 TK.
Sweet – 10/20 TK.
Chicks- it would be better not to eat.

The price of hilsa fish fluctuates according to the season.

If you want to buy fish and bring it to Dhaka, the sellers will pack it with ice.

If they buy fish and give it to the hotel, they will cut the fish and cook it for 100 TK.

Admission to the big station park (estuary of three rivers) is 15/20 TK.

Chandpur can also be reached by bus and train.


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