Visit Thailand at low cost.

I never thought I would be able to visit Thailand at such a low cost. Of course the cost depends on the plane fare. We got 16,000 rupees from Chittagong to Bangkok. Which is much less than the normal rent. I’m not so good at writing. However, I will try to write the details of the entire tour plan. Turning to the net, reading the blog, I made a plan myself with the help of TOB. Meanwhile, on the occasion of Regent Airways’ anniversary, I got a lot of discount on Plain Fair. Although I had to book with a lot of effort. After getting the visa, I bought a ticket for Thai domestic flight (Bangkok-Krabi and Phuket-Bangkok). To come and go is to pay 4800 rupees (each). We got Thai Lion Air on the way and Air Asia on the way back. It is better to book in advance. We were booking flights, hotels and ferries from Bangladesh. I like better than other apps for hotel booking. While in Bangladesh we spent Rs 22,600 (Regent Airways 18,000 and Domestic 4800). Another important thing to keep in mind. When you take dollars from Bangladesh, take some Thai baht. Whether SIM, you can rent a taxi cab. If not, you can exchange dollars at the airport, but you will get a lower rate (they pay 1 dollar = 30 baht). On the other hand, we have got 32.60 baht in Sukumvit area.





Our route map was Chittagong-Bangkok-Krabi-Phi Phi Island-Phuket-Bangkok-Chittagong.

Day-1 (December 16):
The three of us started our journey from Shah Amanat Airport and took off at 10 am to Bangkok’s Subarnabhumi Airport. After a two-hour journey, we arrived at the airport at 12 noon. Never seen such a big airport before. It seems like a wholesale market. Planes lined up for sale. I bought a SIM after finishing immigration (took 200 baht for 7 days unlimited net). We took a taxi cab to Hotel Sumix Bangkok, which was booked in our Sukumvit area. Taxi fare was 525 baht per meter and hotel fare was 560 baht. Naturally everyone prefers to stay in this Sukumvit area. Because restaurants, shopping malls, straight food, money exchange, night market and all kinds of facilities can be found in this area. I rented a bike and walked around the Sukumvit area for an hour and saw the city at night. Bangkok by day and Bangkok by night are very different. After dinner at McDonald’s, I returned to the hotel. We have to leave very early and go to the domestic airport named Don Myang. So I lay down.
Cost for the first day: SIM 80+ Taxi 175+ Bikes 150+ Hotel 190 = 565 Bath






Day 2 (December 16):
I woke up and left for the airport. I confirmed the taxi the night before. Rented 400 baht. Arriving at the airport, I completed the formalities and after a short journey of Thai Lion Air, I went to the hilly island city of Krabi. We took a taxi cab from Krabi Airport to our booked Paradise Hotel next to Aonang Beach. Taxi cab took 500 baht and hotel took 850 baht. After checking in, I freshened up and walked along Aonang Beach. If you want you can rent a motorcycle and drive yourself. I took 300 baht. Each of the smaller islands has a different look and feel. You can visit these islands by speed boat or longtail boat. Speed ​​boats cost a little more. I joined another group and toured Sleeping Island and Reilly Beach. It cost us about 350 baht per person. Be sure to eat fresh fruits, dabs and fruit juices. Aonang Beach at night is otherwise beautiful. Night Market next to the beach, a variety of events will catch the eye as far as the eye can see. This is how the night of Krabi ends. The next day I had to go to Phi Phi Island so I bought a ferry ticket (350 baht per person). They will pick you up from the hotel.
Cost of 2nd day: Taxi (going to Don Myang) 135 + Taxi (going to hotel) 165 + Hotel 275 + Motorcycle 150 + Boat 350 + Ferry 350 = 1435 Bath





Day 3 (December 16):
I woke up and left for the ferry. They will deliver to the ferry with their own service. The journey started at 9 am for the purpose of fee return. On the way you will see many islands. One of them is Chicken Island. After seeing the floating mountains for a couple of hours, we reached the island. We checked in at the hotel called “Pampang House” and went out to tour. The hotel rented 600 baht. This time it is the turn of kayaking in the clear blue water. I have two comrades in one and two comrades in the other. Kayak rented 200 baht each. This clear blue calm sea suddenly became turbulent. I am far away from other kayaks when the weather is unfavorable. I had to wait for half an hour on one of the islands when I could not accept the rate of nature in the stormy wind. It was challenging and exciting but not scary. When the weather was unfavorable, I was very surprised to see my comrades-in-arms embracing me when they came back. And after a while, the rescue team would go. Thus, the afternoon and afternoon weather is normal. In this gap I bought the next day’s ferry ticket (Phi Phi to Phuket). Rented 350 baht. This time the long tail boat sailed to Monkey Beach, another unnamed island in Bembo Island. They arranged snorkeling. Dafadafi in this clear blue water is like a natural aquarium. Rented 450 baht each. Going to the Maya Bay at the place called “Maya Bay” where Leonardo da Caprio’s famous movie “The Beach” took place.









His will was strong but he did not go because of administrative restrictions. Is every island new to me? I have learned from what I have received. The evening rolled and night came. Phi Phi Island woke up. Gleaming light flashes all around. Pura Beach is a place of entertainment with a variety of events. Notably, there is no discrimination, no obstacles. Everyone is enjoying like everyone else. This is how the night ends.
Day 3 Cost: Kayak 200+ Boat 450+ Hotel 265+ Ferry 350 = 1265 Bath

Day 4 (December 19th):
Even if he wakes up at night, he gets up very early to see the sunrise. The purpose is now at the point of view. The road leading to this view point, which is 600 feet above the sea level, is an exciting trail. The higher you go, the more visible the surroundings. When I got very high, I realized the beauty of this island. The islands are like floating boats from a distance visible at a 360 degree angle. This is like a floating island. The light of dawn comes a little late. The clouds were in the temporary sky. But who can stop the path of this light. I came down enjoying the sunrise. At the end of the second term, I got on the ferry. Farewell fee fee. See you again If you come to Thailand, you will be on the bucket list. After traveling for two hours, we arrived in Phuket. They made arrangements to reach the hotel. It took 150 baht per person. Our hotel “The Simple Boutique” is next to Patong Beach. All the hotels had to be booked in advance. Another of our comrades had already checked into the hotel. Due to visa complications, Krabi moved to Phuket without paying a fee. The hotel rented 1200 baht. We couldn’t go to Pattaya, but Patong Beach and Pattaya are very similar. The activities that take place in Pattaya are also held in Patang Beach. After dusk, Patang is like another world. Although we did not like this world. So went to Phuket Town. Stalls like shopping malls, restaurants, straight food and even hawkers are available. I also did light shopping in this place. One suggestion is not to go to Phuket and shop from any mall adjacent to Patong Beach. If you do, do it at the bank and if you do it from Phuket, then tell the taxi driver that you can shop at a lower price for these malls. They will take it. We did exactly the same thing. I took a taxi to Silva Market in Phuket Town. A lot cheaper from Patong Beach Area. Here you will find everything from straight food to hawkers and malls. After watching local Thai food and cultural events, I took everything I needed to the hotel. Our flight (Phuket to Bangkok) very early the next day. I told the hotel reception about the taxi, they arranged for me to go to the airport. It took 265 baht per person.

Cost: Taxi (going to hotel) 150+ Hotel 300+ Taxi (Phuket Town up-down) 250+ Taxi (arriving at the airport) 265 = 975 baht

Day 5 (December 20):
Arriving at Phuket Airport in the morning, after completing the formalities, we left after an hour-long journey to Don Myang Airport in Bangkok. There was not much to do so I did not go to the shopping mall but those who want to shop can go to Indira Market, Nana Market and can shop at low prices. Our flight is at 2 p.m. After finishing the light shopping, I went around Subarnabhumi Airport. After finishing the department, he left for Chittagong. After two hours, by the grace of God, Priya reached Chittagong.
Cost of 5th day: Taxi 150 + 50 = 200 baht

Lunch / Dinner – 1st day and last day once twice in the rest of the day for a total of 6 times. Approximately 200 baht each time (200 * 8) = 1800 baht
Breakfast / snacks = 10 times twice a day (150 * 10) = 1500 baht
These costs depend on your food menu. We pay ২০০ 200 per person except for Rs. 22,600 for plane fare. 32.60 and 7500 baht.

Total cost:
1st day = 435
2nd day = 1435
3rd day = 1285
4th day = 975
5th day = 200
Lunch / dinner = 1800
Snacks / Breakfast = 1500
The total cost is =
75 + 1435 + 1285 + 965 + 200 + 1800 + 1500 = 6100 Bath
Note that I have written about food, so I have written more. It will not cost more than food. The cost per person is about 7500 baht. Before returning to the country, there were 100 more baht per person.

Then the cost per capita is = 22700 + 16120 (২০০ 200) = 39620 TK.


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