
-Kaptai, Rangamati

(Best 2-day tour plan for fountain lovers who can trek.)

1) Nakata Jharna
2) Muppochhara spring
3) Gachkata fountain
4) Dhuppani Fountain



You will have to take a direct bus from Dhaka to Kaptai at 10 pm on Thursday (fare 550 TK) so that you can catch a local boat from Kaptai to Bilaichhari at 8.30 am on Friday. Because the next local boat is at 10:30. You can also take a reserve boat if you want (rent 1000-1500 Tk).






Arrive Kaptai in the morning, have breakfast, and return the ticket at 8:30 pm on Saturday. Because this is the last bus from Kaptai to Dhaka. Kaptai Ghat is just a short walk from the bus stand. The boat leaves at exactly 8:30 (neither before nor after 2 minutes). Rent 55 TK.

In this boat journey of about 2 hours, the beauty of Kaptai Lake will make your night bus journey forget a lot. The first check post of the army will be on the way. You have to show your national identity card there. We reached Bilaichhari at 10:30 am and went straight to the hospital ghat. I fixed 2 rooms in ‘Niribili Boarding’ there. (Double bedroom for 4 people 500 rupees, single bedroom for 2 people 300 Tk- Fixed).





Then fix the boat for two days. Boat rent for 4 fountains in 2 days is 2600-3500 Tk. Get ready at the hotel in 15-20 minutes and get on the boat. Before leaving, take a packet of lunch from the hotel called ‘Bhatghar’ (fried eggs + mashed potatoes + pulses + rice = 75 Tk).






After 30 minutes you will reach the top of Muppochhara Trail (Bangalkata) around 11:30. If you tell the boatman, the boatman will fix the guide (500 rupees – Fixed). After trekking for about 1:30 hours you will reach Muppochhara. On the way you will see 5/6 small fountains. The mouth of the N’kata fountain is broken by a landslide, so don’t waste time looking at a face like ours. After about 1 hour you will see the beauty of the waterfall (read and splash in the water) and get on the boat. After getting off the boat and walking for about 1:30 hours you can see the tree-lined fountain. In this case, no guide will be needed because the boatman will take you, talk like that. In this way you will return to the hotel after completing the first day’s journey. Take a bath and eat dinner (mountain chicken + mashed potatoes + pulses + rice = 110 TK) and go to bed very early because you have to get up at 5 am the next day.

Let me say here that if you do not take advantage of the time, you will not have time to see the tree-lined fountain. In this case, you can spend time in the afternoon by boat around Kaptai Lake.




Get up at 5 am on Saturday and get ready and leave by boat at 5:30 am. When having dinner at night, order breakfast (bhuna khichuri + dimvaji = 60 TK). They will leave the packet in the morning. Take a jug of water with you. After about 2 hours you will reach Uluchhari. There will be 2 more army check posts on the way.



You have to take a small dinghy boat from Uluchhari. Each boat (300 rupees) can seat 4/5 people. As a group (Reform subscription TK. 200 + Guide TK. 500 You have to start the boat journey in about 20 minutes. You have to cross 2 hills on the way. It will take about 1.45 hours to reach Dhuppani Para after crossing the road of many friends. There is a shop here and if you want there you can eat something light. After that, you have to cross a risky slope. After 25-30 minutes you will reach the desired goal – incense fountain. A glimpse of it will make you forget your 4:50 hour journey in 4.5 seconds. There was so much wind that it became difficult to keep balance. The water of this fountain, which is more than 100 feet high, crushes as it falls down and creates a wash. This is why it is named Dhuppani Jharna. There are so many water particles in the air that you can’t take out any electronic device unless it’s waterproof.





Here you will find about 1 hour to bathe. If you want to go down the fountain, you must take the help of a guide. Because in some places there are holes about 8 feet deep and there are random big stones under the water.

You have to leave at 11 o’clock. On the way back you will see the incense temple. You have to leave the incense water at 11:30 am or else you will not be able to catch the last local boat leaving Bilaichhari at 4:30 am.



** Warning:
1) You must move with the times. Because the local boat + return bus from Rangamati (8:30 pm) runs at Sharp time.
2) There is no SIM network other than Teletalk and Robi.
3) Dhuppani is the pilgrimage place of a Buddhist monk. So don’t come here and shout.



** Must have:
1) Voter ID card (1st priority)
(Otherwise photocopy of College / Varsity ID, Card or Birth Certificate / Passport)
2) A Sufficient amount of polythene
3) Shoes/sandals suitable for trekking




** Budget:
Bus fare (550 * 2) = 1100 TK
Bilachhari boat from Kaptai (55 * 2) = 110 TK
Friday Lunch & Dinner + Saturday Breakfast (75 + 110 + 60) = 245 TK.
Hotel, boatman, dinghy boat, guide (1000 + 3000 + 1000 + 500 = 5500/6 people) = 750 Taka
Other expenses = 250 Tk
In a group of 6 people, the total cost was around 2400 TK.



** Middle Mobile No:
01558121103 (Nitya Ranjan)
The boat was quite large and the boatman was extremely sincere.
The guide taken from Uluchhari was ‘Tiger’.

[B.D. The day we went to see the fountain, it had rained well for the previous 2/3 days, even in the middle of our trekking it had been raining for quite a long time. So the road was slippery and the fountain was fast enough. If you go in winter, you will be protected from the outbreak of rain.

On our way back to Dhaka we reached the Kaptai bus stand at 8:40, but the last bus was at 8:30. We didn’t get a bus because we were only 10 minutes late. Later I changed CNG 3 times and went to the Chittagong bus stand- Dampara.

From there I got on the bus to Dhaka.]

** Forgive any mistake in the post.


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