Chandranath hill is a unique source of boundless beauty of nature.

Chandranath hill is one of the best places for those who are short of time and are not going out for more money.

Chandranath hill is located at an altitude of about 1200 feet above sea level.
This hill is located near the city of Sitakunda.
If nature does not climb to the top of Chandranath hill, it is unbelievable.

There are three types of beauty in winter/monsoon/summer.




Going to Chandranath hill is very easy. If you want to go by bus
Get on the Sitakunda bus from Dhaka Saidabad / Kamalapur. Then you have to go down to Sitakunda market.

The train leaves Dhaka Mail by train at 10.30 pm from Dhaka and reaches Sitakunda station at around 7.30 / 8.00 am.

Get off at the station, have breakfast and take the CNG / Auto from the outer signal of the station to the foot of Chandranath hill.





Start walking down the street on foot, wear small shops in front of you, and take bash and soft drinks, chips from there.
Bash must be taken because without bash it will be very difficult to trek the whole hill.
After going for a while, you will first find a small artificial fountain. From there, there are two different ways to reach Chandranath peak.



Of course, you will start trekking along the road to the left of the artificial fountain, then first you will find Shiva Temple, then you will start walking along the eastern path again for a while, then you will reach Chandranath Temple or the highest peak.

You will visit Sitakunda Bazaar again at noon.
There is a bus from there to Dhaka. Or if you want to come by train, you can take a minibus to Feni station.
There is a train from Feni to Dhaka at 5.00 pm.

We went by train so we gave you a list of expenses that could be of benefit to you.

Dhaka – Sitakunda 110 (Mail Train)
Breakfast 35/40
Sitakunda – Chandranath Hills 20
Bash 20
Hills – Sitakunda Bazar 25
Sitakunda Bazar – Feni 55/60
Feni-Dhaka 275
(Excluding own cost)

Note: Please do not spoil the beauty of nature, mountains by throwing plastic bottles or non-perishable dirt.


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