Details of Sunamganj trip in one day tour.

All the places in Sunamganj that you can visit in one day tour:
1. Magical river
2. Barikka Tila
3. Niladri Lake
4. Lakma rhyme
5. Hatir Gata, Tanguar Haor
6. Joynal Abedin Shimul Bagan

Travel plan:
If you go to Sunamganj by night bus from Dhaka, you must try to go by bus from 10 pm to 11 pm, then you will reach Sunamganj in the morning. These buses will drop you off at the bus stand of Sunamganj city by 8 am. From there, reserve a bike for the whole day. These two people can sit on one bike. The rent for the bike for the whole day will be around 1100-1200 TK. We paid 1100 TK for the whole day. Although I was fine for 1100 TK, I was happy with 100 rupees later. And of course you have to bargain and reserve a bike because you have to go around the places I have written the names of above.






With the bike reserve you will first go to the magical river. From there you will cross the river and visit Barek Tila. After visiting Barek Tila, you will leave Niladri Lake. Lakma rhyme will go from there. Lakma rhyme will go around Elephant Gata, Tanguar Haor. Niladri Lake will definitely turn into Niladri Lake. When you come, you will find a market some distance away from Niladri Lake and you will have lunch there If you don’t get yoghurt and sweets there, you will miss it. After eating and drinking, Shimul Bagan will leave from there. You will spend the afternoon here in Sunamganj city. You will return to Dhaka by bus from 10 pm to 11 pm. InshaAllah, I will be in Dhaka by 7 or 8 in the morning.






You will get 2000 to 2200 TK inside.
Calculate the cost of our Sunamganj tour
* Bus fare from Dhaka is 550 × 2 = 1100 TK
* Rent of bike is 600 per person
* Food and other expenses are more than 500 TK.





However, if you want to travel at a lower cost, then you can go from Dhaka to a local good quality bus fare of 300 to 400.

And make sure you don’t throw bottles, chips, packets of cigarettes, packets of chocolates, packets of chocolates, tissue packets and rubbish wherever you go around. .
One thing to keep in mind is that it is our responsibility to keep our environment clean and beautiful. It is sad to say that wherever I have visited Sunamganj, I have seen bottles, packets of chips, paper thrown by many people.


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