Dibir Haor

How to go – You have to come to Sylhet first! From Bandarbazar Children’s Park in Sylhet, you have to pick a bus that goes to Jafllong ! You can get off at Jaintapur Bazaar … Laguna will cost 35 Tk, bus 40 TK. You can go to Dibir haor by walking down the Jaintapur market or by Tomtom .. Per person will rent 5 TK … If you want you can also go by rickshaw, take 50-60 TK and drop you off  in front of the haor, then you will get small boats in the haor. If you give 100-150 Tk to the little boy of the boat, you will see the Water-lilly bill of the whole haor for an hour.






* The more you go in the morning, the more you will see freshwater-lilies. If you go around 8 o’clock, you will see fog + water lilies + birds. if You go at 10-11 Am You would Get Upset Beacuse Its too late.


Total cost:


35 Taka + 5 Taka from Bandarbazar … When  you will come, you can have Dim Parota or Mugdal Parota and  tea at any restaurant in Jaindapur


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