FIve birds with one stone.

1 = Mahera zamindarbari
2 = Kortia zamindarbari
3 = Delduar zamindarbari
4 = Pakutia zamindarbari
5 = Baliati zamindarbari
First of all, if you want to give a tour according to this plan, you have to make the best use of the time and have a personal car or rent a micro. Because by local bus and auto you can’t see more than 2-3 zamindar houses. If the sky breaks in someone’s head when they hear about the car, I will tell them ‘to wear the post to the end.’









There is not much in a small head. So I made this plan with the help of Google Mama. Then I opened the event and got some traveling people like me. It was supposed to leave Gulistan at 8 am with Reserve Hayes, but it was 7.30 am. Then the car went through Mirpur, Ashulia, Bipel and pushed the traffic jam. When it reached Mehera Zamindarbari, it was past 11 o’clock. Impression of frustration on everyone’s face. Could all the places be covered? There is no time to think so much, if you think about it, life will end just by thinking. I parked the car, bought a ticket for 50 rupees and went inside. Seeing the house, the eyes are filled with the situation. After the photo session, I went to the back. Beauty enhancement work was going on there. The whole environment is wonderful. But one thing is for sure, artificiality is being given more priority than nature. As the zamindar house is used as a police training center, most of its space is reserved. You can’t enter wherever you want. After a 1-hour drive around the local hotel, Singer got up and drove to Cortia. It will take half an hour to go.





As soon as Kortia enters the zamindar house, the body and mind become cold. Believe it or not, that will be it. You can’t remember the last time you saw such a beautiful, clean and tidy environment. As soon as you enter through the front door, you will be fascinated by the beauty of the red palace. But you can’t get inside. Because people live here. Huge pond at the back of the house. If you leave the pond behind and go ahead, you will find another huge pond. Andaramahal is on the other side of that pond. Which is now used as a school. The day we went was a school holiday because it was a Friday. And on this occasion we looked around the whole building from the inside out. I entered every room. Leave there for an hour for the purpose of Delduar zamindarbari. It will take about half an hour to forty minutes to reach Delduar Zamindarbari.




Arrive at Delduar Bazaar and have lunch. Then walk towards the zamindar house. It will take 5 minutes. We went and saw that the main gate of the zamindar house was locked. How can I leave Dhaka with so much difficulty and come back without seeing the zamindar house? So I slowly went inside the top of one of the walls. Although much smaller than other zamindar houses, there is no lack of beauty. No need to waste much time here. 20-25 minutes is enough to see the photo session. From there the journey started again. Lakhs this time Pakutia zamindarbari. It will take 40-60 minutes.
A few buildings of Pakutia zamindar house. It is difficult to understand which building. These buildings are very old. So be careful when climbing stairs. People still live in some buildings here. However, you can see everything inside and outside the abandoned building. After half an hour of photo session, sit in the car. This time the destination is Baliati.
I have nothing to say about the sand. Because whatever I say, its beauty cannot be described. It would have been better to call it Rajprasad and not Zamindarbari. Stay in Baliati till evening. Then an uncle made piyaju in front of the main gate of the zamindar house. But don’t forget to eat her onions. After that he left for Chirchena city Dhaka again. It will take 2-2.5 hours to reach Dhaka.



Cost calculation.
A haystack will rent 5,000.
12 people can sit.
417 per person.
Entrance fee is 50 rupees
20 rupees to enter the balayati.
The next cost is on your own. Our cost was 600. These included breakfast, lunch, unlimited onions in the afternoon and Tangail sweets. Tea, breakfast 5-6 times a day. Car parking, driver’s all day meal. Entrance ticker. If anything else, everything was in it. With a little restraint, it is possible to reduce the cost of this tour to below 800. And if someone has a budget of 1000 TK, then you will not find a place to spend money.


None of us who went knew the road. Not even the driver. I thought I could go to Google Maps. But if there is overconfidence, that is what it is. Could not capture location in maximum place as net up-down in moving vehicle.
So if a group like ours goes, then your last hope is the local people. We reached everywhere just to ask the people walking on the side of the road. So wherever you go, get along well with the local people. Because they will help you the most.


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