Gumai Bill and Aviary Park.

Gumai Beel is the second-largest beel in Bangladesh and the largest beel in the Chittagong Division, which provides food to the people of Bengal for two and a half days. (Picture 1)
The second picture is of the only aviary in Bangladesh, Sheikh Russell Aviary Park, which is located at the far end of Rangunia. .M. Will tour the whole park. (Picture 2)






How to get there and how much it costs –




Buses to Lichubagan, Chandraghona, and Kaptai are available from Bahaddarhat bus terminal in Chittagong. Get on the bus to Lichubagan. The fare is 45 TK. Gumai bill starts after the bus reaches Mariamnagar of Rangunia which the bus conductor will show You. The bus will reach Lichubagan after finishing Gumai bill. If you want to ride the cable car, you have to pay an extra 230 TK. After that, if you want to go another way, you can go to Kaptai.


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