Himalayan daughter Panchagarh

The destination from Banglabandha is Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate. After seeing a lot of hype about this flat tea garden, I had already decided that Tentulia can’t be missed. The taste of the tea garden of Sylhet has been taken a lot, let’s taste the tea garden of the plains this time. Wafi Ismail Bhai is busy arguing about something. And I’m lost in myself.

If a house could be built in Tentulia. If I could settle here. I would leave that poisonous city of bricks and stones and come here. What is the fate of those who have grown up in the district town outside Dhaka. When I see them, I get really jealous. I fell in love with the fantasy world on the way to Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate.

Our auto is moving forward on the paved road of flat land. And I entered a world of green. A combination of green on both sides. Green seemed to mesmerize me. On one side is the barbed wire of the border and on the other side is Bangladesh. Plain tea gardens can be seen on both sides. What a surprise. I would not have noticed that there could be a tea garden even in the plains if Tentulia had not come. If the world is not so beautiful, it is a big responsibility to understand.






It is as if a green velvet sheet has spread over this flat tea garden. The women workers of the tea garden are carrying white bags on their shoulders and carrying the dream of green. Their life is imprisoned in the bud of this green leaf. To me, this green is a novelty, but this green is a big throw to them. I remembered our Jewel Rana Bhai connected with the life of the tea workers. Their salaries are so low, they can’t even educate their sons and daughters. And every now and then their days go by in fear of tuberculosis. I don’t want to hear the cries of Sabuj in the middle of Sabuj.

Jarul trees have emerged as shade trees. In particular, the purple flowers of the jarul tree have created a strange dizziness by reflecting the light of the sun in the middle of the green. The purple flowers in the middle of the green leaves are swaying in the gentle breeze. Slowly I came to the gate of Anandadhara resort after overcoming this darkness.

Ismail Bhai came to the gate and allowed us to enter with the permission of his superior as soon as he introduced his supplier. As we entered, we became like pillars. It must be said that the owner of Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate is quite tasteful. I avoid artificiality. I thought a man-made resort would be so beautiful, unimaginable. The whole resort seems to have been touched by the artist’s skillful hands.

The resort’s four-story wooden house in combination with the walkway and its wide expanse of greenery will surely attract the traveler. I saw the movement of domesticated cows around. Looking further ahead I saw barbed wire all around. I saw a thin line outside the barbed wire. In the rainy season, there may be toi tumbur in the water. In the meantime, I found a green labyrinthine type of walkway. Where the traveler will be lost in the green.

The scattering of so many green descriptions can be a bit annoying. However, all these things are not false. In the meantime I saw a gentleman come to talk to us. He is the one who basically allowed us to enter. He came and said that guests will come here today, let’s hurry up. Those who do not want to leave this heavenly beauty have to go.

A well-known gentleman has come to visit just like us. He has spent many nights here with his wife. After the evening tea leaves create a magical form in the silver light of the moon. Ji ji ji called the insect at his own whim. Fireflies spend their sleepless nights with thousands of insects.






After some nice time we left Ananddhara resort. Walking in the tea garden this Mayavra honey-covered noon. A heavenly peace all around. Even though I got lost in the middle of it, I came back to the call of Bersik Wafi. I saw Wafi standing with her legs crossed. And Trahi Trahi is calling, that Ismail brother, nature is calling me.








I grabbed a local man and asked, brother, is there any toilet around here? He said that it is not nearby, but if you walk for two minutes, Kazi Company has Meena Bazar outlet, you will find toilets there. We told Wafi about this but Wafi did not listen to us. He listened to the call of nature. In fact, human beings are helpless and helpless to the call of nature.






Wafi shouted Gagan Bidari again, “Brother Ismail, don’t give me a tissue.” Ismail’s brother politely asked, Wafi, what are you doing here? Ingi did not show the thick wafi jute field but the tea garden. Seeing Bechara’s strange condition, Ismail Bhai gave her a whole packet of toilet tissue. Wafi went to the tea garden without Lota. Went deeper. We are guarding the outside.

Wafi came out of the tea bag in the guise of a winner. There was a smile on his face. Surprising Wafi, I found Meena Bazaar after walking for two minutes. And I felt deeply that there was no hope for a minute. However, this Meena Bazar is a bit different from the Meena Bazar in Dhaka. Here I saw Kazi Farm’s dairy products and different varieties of tea leaves. We received new information from the sales staff. The only organic and Darjeeling tea in the country is grown in these Tentulia gardens. In addition to the Kazi & Kazi tea gardens, there are Dahuk, Salilen and Tentulia tea estates.

It’s time to say goodbye to Mr. Kazi. The clock is ticking. However, since I came to Tentulia and had already booked a bus ticket to Dhaka, I was free from worries. This time we are stepping towards the last episode of Tetulia.



1 Comment

  • Majid Ibn Akbar

    I would like to got dealership i can or not have know


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