How to go to Barisal one day trip and expenses

Travel Piyasu Bangladeshis used to travel to Cox’s Bazar or Sylhet. But now Bangladeshi travelers are going or planning to go far beyond the borders of the country. However, it is no longer possible to travel abroad for months, so there are many beautiful travel places in the middle of the country which can be a great place for a short one or two day tour. You can go on such a short one-day tour to Barisal, known as the Venice of the East.



The best time to go to Barisal is when it is neither hot nor cold. I will tell you later why this time is the best. To go to Barisal, you have to plan the tour a few days in advance because you are talking about getting a good ticket. Although there are planes and AC buses in Barisal (no train) I would say you go by launch. If you want to make a luxurious journey in Bangladesh, launch is the best, but if you want to travel on a budget, you are the best. However, I will talk about budget travel today. The plan is to have a full week of office and launch on Thursday night. If you want at lunch, you can take a separate seat (sofa) for everyone or take a cabin and let your friends hang out. You won’t find the fun of sitting on the veranda of the launch in the light of Chad at night and chatting anywhere else. However, if you want to get all this fun, of course, the weather can not be completely cold and there can be no rain. Lunch food but very fun so there is nothing to stress about the food. However, for those who are not willing to travel at night, there are two cruise ships called Greenline and Adventurer. It leaves at around 8 am and reaches its destination at 6 am. You can see this journey during the day in this link to know the details of an interesting experience.



If you go by launch, you will reach Barisal very early in the morning. From the launch, all the activities of the morning will be done, but otherwise, you have to get down and take the hotel.



The first thing to do in the morning is to have breakfast. Some of the best restaurants for breakfast are M Ali, Rose Garden, Gharoya, Balaka. All of them open very early in the morning. Then take the auto to Chaumatha corner, here you will find Laguna or Mahendra to go to Atghar. In this way, you will reach Atghar in 1 hour. From here you can rent a boat and go straight to the guava garden. The rent will be around 1000 to 2000 TK depending on the boat size.



Guava Garden: This is the perfect time to visit the Guava Garden. You will take a boat through the small canals in the middle of the guava garden and get lost in the greenery all around. You can make a boat in any garden and eat guava from the guava tree but it cannot be brought. If you want to bring it, you have to buy it, and there is a floating guava market for buying which is the biggest floating guava market to my knowledge.



Guava garden will be around the city at 1 pm. Come here and go to the restaurant and have a fresh lunch. Among the few good restaurants are domestic, rose garden, handi karai.

Then you will go to Nathullabad bus stand with an auto. From here the destination is Durgasagar. Buses are available, where you can sit on the bus for only 15 TK. And if you don’t want to go by bus, you can go by oil train called Mahendra. The rent will be 40 TK / per person.


Durgasagar: This is a hundred-year-old lake which is the largest reservoir in South Bengal. There is a small island in the middle of the lake which has only enhanced the beauty of the lake. It is beautifully planted with trees and seating. You will get such a feeling in the light air while walking across the lake. If you go at the right time, you can also get Padma in the lake. There is also a small zoo. Lake entry ticket 20 TK.



The next destination is Guthia Mosque. Guthia will leave Durgasagar by auto or Mahendra with a ticket of Tk 20 per person.

Guthiar Mosque: Morning or noon is the best time because there are less people here. You can go around as you like, but there are a lot of people in the afternoon so I would say it is better to leave without delay after lunch. It’s a great architectural style with a lot of space. Crazy place for photographers. If you want, you can take the Asr prayer here later. On the way from Guthia, you must go down to Guthia Bazaar and eat the famous Guthia Sandesh.



The next destination is 30 godowns.



30 Godown: This is actually a place to enjoy the beauty of the river in a beautiful environment on the banks of the river Kirtankhola. There was a request to sit here and watch the sunset. You can walk along the river bank to the Muktijoddha Park next to it. Or if you go earlier, you can rent a boat from here and chill in the river for 1 hour. Both of you are sure to give that level of feeling.



After that, if there is time, Rasogolla can go on the expedition and if it is late, he can go directly to the launch. Come and freshen up, eat one and sniff, and in the morning you will arrive in the city of Chirchena Jam.




Launch – Cabin 900 Single / 1600 Double. If friends take a double cabin together, they will have to buy a deck ticket for 200 rupees except for 2 people. And sofa 600 rupees and morning Greenline 800/1000 and Adventurer 700/800/900 TK (see video link for details)



Launchghat-Chaumatha = 15 TK

Chaumatha – Atghar = 40 TK

Boat rent = 1000-2000 TK

Chaumatha- Sadar Road = 15 TK

Sadar Road- Nathullabad bus stand = 15 TK

Nathullabad Bus Stand – Durgasagar = 15 buses / 40 Mahendra Taka

Durgasagar- Guthia Mosque = 20 TK

Guthia Mosque – Nathullabad Bus Stand = 50 TK

Nathullabad Bus Stand – 30 Godowns = 60 Taka Reserve Auto

Muktijoddha Park – Launch Ghat = 15-20 rupees rickshaw


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