In the unknown path of Ladakh, I wish to travel the dream of happiness

How do we know what was going on when our car was running this way? Once upon a time, I wish I could fly like a bird over these rocky mountains, unnamed rapids, deep ditches, shelves, unfamiliar waterfalls, the little rocky house on the other side of the soft green enchanted hill. It can be seen that sometimes we go to the open green carpet of the houses, sit there and look at the sky or go to the roof of one of the houses and lie down for eternity. Would we have suffered too much? Would too much have remained unseen for that day?




But can everything be expressed all the time? Does everything come out immediately? All wishes can be informed if desired? Can all dreams be expressed? Or come to reality and get caught? Do all thoughts become a rainbow and make the sky colorful? Don’t pay. Sometimes we see some dreams that are just dreams, dreams of happiness, happiness like being immersed in obsession alone, happiness like swimming in the abyss of thought, joy like swimming in thousands of colors and becoming like yourself Of exuberance.



In the midst of the rough nature around this hilly winding road, all of a sudden I had a desire to immerse myself in the embrace of eternal bliss in the stream of happiness flowing down the mountain, the rocky house on the hill, the body of the mountain, jumping into the river. I dreamed of some unbearable happiness, painted my mind with thousands of colors of imagination, as if I had floated myself in a dream of happiness in the sea, in the silent river, on the green hill, in the bliss of those fountains, in the blue sky, in the cold winter. The warm touch of the sun touched me with the thrill of happiness.




Nah he didn’t speak then. I couldn’t understand myself at that time, I couldn’t think so much at that time, until those green shrouded mountains, those small rocky houses like the bird’s nest, the silver springs falling by the side, the murmur of the river came to my ears, I could feel it. I was not so anxious for them until I was able to touch them. But, but when those unearthly real, mesmerizing mountains, the longing green, and desperate fountains slowly began to move away, the sight of the eyes began to go out of bounds, the sounds of the fountains began to fade away, then slowly my impossibility These desires seemed to express their infinite longing in their minds and hearts. But by then our car had gone far away from them. Having a long path with quite a bit of flatness on the wide path. And since that day I have had a strange desire, a strange dream, and an infinite waiting …



I will go this way again one day. However, the service must reach Ladakh from Manali in one, two, or three days, not with time, thought, companion, or money. Once I want to go this route with a lot more time and effort. I can go down that road if I want to, I can turn the car around if I want to, I can spend a day or two at leisure if I want to. On the roof of one of the small rocky houses, like a bird’s nest, perched on an enchanted hill with a light green sheet. If we want, we can roll in the green on a warm morning when the sun rises, on a warm afternoon when happiness spreads.



If we want to forget the caress of the warm sun, push the lazy lying happiness on the roof of the house, we can walk along the green mountain by the stream of the eternal spring of eternal happiness, so that we can spend a whole luxurious afternoon listening to his melody, humming with him, Wet with his emotions and floating in his excitement. As if in the soft moonlight of the silver night we can sit among thousands of stars and enjoy an unearthly enchanting night, silent, quiet, serene. Just the falling of the fountain, the moon-star of the sky, the silver moonlight, and some moments of eternal bliss that I can save for myself.


You will wake up very early in the morning with the light of the window. I would take a smoky coffee mug in my hand and go outside to immerse myself in its warmth. Between the surrounding hills, rivers, waterfalls, and greenery. In the distant mountain peaks, the sun will just begin to fall. And at the same time, the mountains will look different in the evening. Sometimes gold, sometimes silver, sometimes pink, sometimes orange, sometimes purple, sometimes red and sometimes so many colors at the same time that they can never be separated. While sipping a mug of hot coffee, I just stared and stared, as long as I wanted to …



Once again at least in this unfamiliar village from Manali to Ladakh, on an unknown path, at the foot of the mountain of unbearable happiness.
I look forward to such a dreamy day …
Not just the environment, let’s all prevent any loss or waste of natural resources.



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