Jaipur is a glittering city.

Fresh in the retiring room of Anindya Sundar station in Jaipur, a car was fixed for Rs. 1,000, for the whole day. It will show us about 10 spots including Jalmahal, Mango Fort, Yantar Mantar, Leather Factory. We also did not have much time on hand. Since both budget and time were limited, we did not have a special choice. And since no study had been done on Jaipur before, I left the whole day’s plan on the driver.

Since I didn’t eat very well the night before, I didn’t sleep well at night, so I told the driver to stop and look at a good hotel first, to have a full breakfast. Within minutes, the driver parked his car at a hotel near the station. Some of them were very comfortable wearing potatoes, some of them were puri and dal curry, some of them were chapati with tea and we finished our breakfast with bread with chutney eggs and got in the car.






When the light shines on a winter day, the morning is quite a prayer for everyone. A little warm air in the concave air creates a different kind of feeling. There is a feeling of soft gentle comfort. As soon as we got in the car after breakfast, the winter fog began to move with the appearance of the bright sun.

As if not the sun, the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan is welcoming us with a royal smile. I opened the car window and enjoyed a different taste in the mixed embrace of winter air and warm sun.

After walking for about 10 minutes, I saw the statue of the architect of Jaipur standing in the middle of the roundabout of the highway, the driver introduced us to him. Amer Raja Joy Singh is the founder of this Jaipur, (according to the information obtained from the driver). Even Wiki says so.





In the glistening sun of the winter morning, the whole statue, the altar around it, the flocks of pigeons, the glittering government installations were shining brightly in the sunlight. We stopped the car for a minute to take pictures. It was nice to be able to observe everything in the morning with such a bright light in such an ancient city.

Jantar Mantar Jaipur. Photo: Author

Houses on both sides of the highway, old installations, and a variety of flowering trees on either side of the transparent road seem to have brightened and beautified the whole city for its own sake and to attract tourists. If you don’t like it, you can’t be fascinated by anything. The car stopped at a signal across the Joy Singh’s courtyard, the statue. But there is no other car, either way.






If he wanted, he could have left without obeying the signal. As soon as he spoke to the driver, it fell from the sky. In Jaipur, no one ever disobeys the rules of the road, the signal. There is not much tradition here. No matter how empty the road! Is it possible to think so in our country? Knowing their rules, principles and customs, it seems that the fascination of Rajasthan, the land of kings, increased instantly.

As soon as the car left the signal, the old but basic gate was seen. With a hint of light pink. The driver looked at Pink City in front of him with surprised eyes. Wow, everyone was so excited and anxious, anxious and anxious, I waited anxiously, looking out the window. How many names have I heard of this city, this uniform installation of this city, how many pictures have I seen, on TV, movies and colorful posters or calendars. And nowadays, thanks to Facebook, you can regularly see how many hundreds of pictures of this unique city or the unique installation of the city.







This is the Pink City. A great shiver was felt. This is the famous Pink City of that famous city. Right in front of us, in front of our eyes, seeing reality. What we didn’t even think about yesterday, our car is slowly moving forward through the Pink City.

Before leaving the Pink City, Hawa Mahal came to the fore to witness more ancient and fundamental and more history! Everyone is overwhelmed, surprised and speechless in an instant. Why or why not? We did not know when and where to go, what to see and how they will be at all?

If they get all the history, all the ancient installations and the real picture of their glittering smiles right in front of their eyes and at their fingertips, then they will be so surprised, won’t they? We did the same, seeing all this and being overwhelmed to see ancient history in front of us. I will tell the story of Pink City and Hawa Mahal in a separate story.

Then we left the plain and slowly started walking on a somewhat hilly path. It was a strange way, a way I had never been before, never seen, never enjoyed. I knew that Jaipur was a desert city in Rajasthan. But I also knew that I would never see the desert. But on the way I started walking, I got a little bit of desert taste.

The path on both sides has gone up slowly like a mountain path. Roughness of red and gray soil around it. Nowhere is there so much green land or green cover. But yes, on both sides of this desert path, there was the surprise of some rare flowers, the enchanting smile, the joy, the exuberance, as well as the invitation of the desert dust.

But why did the red-yellow dust of Rajasthan like that day. I liked the warmth of the sun in the cold winter air, the smile of the colorful flowers on the way to the desert, the invitation to the pink city Pink City, the welcome to the air palace and the invitation to the water palace as well as the wonder of the ancient aristocratic mantra. I will tell these stories one by one.

All in all, we had a great day in glittering Jaipur.


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