Kuakata Travel.

We started our journey for Kuakata with 8-9 people on December 14 at 5 am. It was decided to go by bus as we could not get a launch.



I am saying from personal experience that no matter which way you go to Kuakata, the journey will give you some leeway. You can go to Kuakata in different ways..bus or launch..but I say launch tie will be best.
Housing system :.
We went to Kuakata in the on-season. And then it was closed for about 3 days. So I noticed more people coming to Kuakata. For this reason, the room rent was comparatively higher. It is better to rent a room.





★ Meals:
The quality of food here is quite good. But you can’t deal with them. Those who come to see the sea have a little more demand for marine fish. We were buying a marine fish called ‘Tona’ for 600 TK.







★ Travelingঃ
There are many spots in Kuakata. You can see everything if you want. You can rent a motorcycle for this. They will show you everything. Among all the spots we see, there are good sunrises, sunsets, tengragiri mangrove forests.
★ Hospitality:
I was fascinated to see one thing when I went to Kuakata. The people here are very hospitable. They are very simple and helpful. If someone is in danger then the way everyone comes forward I have not seen it anywhere else.









★ Like it or not
I didn’t like the rest except for a handful of places. It seemed artificial. But you should go to Kuakata at least once to see the sunrise and sunset.



★ Costঃ
We all had 2500 TK (basic cost) .. The rest is yours .. In fact, if someone wants to go somewhere far away with a little money, then I will say go to Kuakata. I hope you will not be disappointed.


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