Monpura Island.

Monpura is an isolated island in the Bhola district of Bangladesh. The island is bordered by the Meghna River on three sides and the Bay of Bengal on the south. It is also a green land decorated with natural beauty. If you don’t go here, you won’t understand what beauty of nature is waiting for you. Sitting on this island you can see the sunrise and sunset. There are also Monpura Landing Station, Deer Sanctuary and Chowdhury Project. Motorcycles are the main means of transportation on the island. The popularity of the island has been on the rise since the film ‘Monpura’ was made in Bangladesh.





The Monpura landing station was built within 500 meters of the river. From afternoon to night not only tourists but also locals come here to spend time. Sitting here at night, you will feel as if you are floating deep in the river Meghna. Because, then there will be water around you and you will be sitting a little above the water. The station was shaken from time to time by the currents and waves of the river, then it seemed that I realized this and floated in the river. It’s a different kind of thrilling feeling. There is a deer sanctuary on the island. At high tide the deer move closer to the main road. According to locals, deer herds have to park their motorcycles for three to five minutes while crossing the road. If you are lucky you can also see a herd of deer.










There is more on the island, the Chowdhury Project. The project is a fish farm. Here you will see a wide area of ​​fish farms and lakes. Thousands of coconut trees lined up across the shores of the lake. Lake on one side of the shore and Meghna on the other. You will have a wonderful afternoon here. However, the project has suffered some damage due to cyclone Komen. Yet the Chowdhury project has not lost its beauty.










This island is a good option for cycling and camping. Sometimes cycling on the island of Monpura, leaving the green kingdom and sometimes the turbulent Meghna river by the side of the road, is quite pleasing to the mind.

When will you go?

Winter is the best time to visit Monpura.

What to eat:

Roasted lamb meat is very popular in winter on Monpura Island. Also known as buffalo milk curd, hilsa, coral, boiled and lobster. Fresh hilsa and buffalo raw milk from Meghna river is very tasty. You can eat at Babul Bhai’s hotel. The cost will be around 60-70 TK.

How to go:

You can’t go when Monpura is an isolated island. Two luxury launches named MV Farhan-3 / MV Farhan-4 leave Platoon No. 10 of Sadarghat Launch Terminal in the capital every day at 5 pm for the purpose of tools. With this launch you will be able to reach Monpura Island by 8 am. Be sure to watch the sunrise from the launch along the way. It will take 12/13 hours. Launch deck rent is 350 TK per person.





On the way back, the launch left Monpura Ramnewaz launch ghat for Dhaka at 2 pm.





Besides, Monpura can be reached from Dhaka or Barisal by Bhola by C-truck of Tajumuddin Ghat. The C-truck leaves Tajumuddin every day at 3 pm and leaves Monpura at 10 am. On the other hand, two launches run daily from Char Fashion Fashion’s Betuaghat to the Janata Bazar route in Monpura. Hundreds of people are coming and going to Monpura every day through that route. From April to November, the river is marked as a danger point, so launches are closed on this route.

Where will you stay?

There are three post bungalows (Government Post Bungalow, Press Club Bungalow, Caritas Bungalow) on Monpura Island for accommodation. With the permission of the concerned authority, you can stay in the government post bungalow at a low price. You can go to the rest and arrange to stay. Staying in a post bungalow will cost around TK 200-300.


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