Moon Hill – Pine Forest – Hill City Another cup of Darjeeling tea.

I did not get Shyamoli’s ticket (up to Rs. 1500 to Siliguri) for Eid holiday and I went to Manik Paribahan with 5 people (up to Rs. 900 for AC Burimari). Destinations Lava, Rishop, Kalimpong I left the car at 9 pm and reached Burimari at 6 am. I handed over the passport and 100 rupees (travel tax 500 rupees from Dhaka) to the people at the bus counter to give the border process and serial.
When the border opened at 9 am, people started standing in line Due to the huge crowd during the Eid holidays, to finish the work of 2 Borders (with a bribe of Rs. 200) at 1 pm (10: 30-11: 00). | The plan was to go to Lava through Shiliguri on the same day but it was too late. He was hopeful but to our surprise a Tata Sumo driver (hired Rs. 3500) agreed to deliver the lava from Chengrabanda to Mainaguri on the same day. After passing 70 km of Jalpaiguri, Siliguri through Mainaguri Forest Range, Tea Estate, I started climbing the hill. And I ate lace chips (Rs. 35). I reached the lava at an altitude of about 6000 feet at 8 pm. As it is a small hill town, the whole city is asleep then. So quiet .. !! So much peace .. !! I got up at Hotel Himalaya with 5 people in a room (room rent of Rs. 1000) | Mango with Bengali hotel They offered meals at night (chicken, pulses, rice, vegetables, pickles 120 rupees). We asked him to cook and we went for a walk in the sleeping city After opening a Nepali shop, I ate Veg Momo (Rs. 30), Veg Soup (Free), Tea (Rs. 10) and when I sat on the top of a high hill, I was very surprised where I came from .. !! The pine forest below is floating in the light of the full moon All the clouds are playing waves under my feet A huge mountain next to it is completely wrapped in clouds, the light of the full moon is being reflected on it, the mountain seems to be burning … then this is the mountain of the moon .. !! This is even more beautiful than what I imagined later in a life story novel What a beautiful .. !! What a beautiful mountain of the moon .. !!







The next morning I got up at dawn and went around Lava Town, Buddhist Temple, Suicide Point, Rachel Point (I got a free lift in one’s scooter) and had breakfast (Samucha and tea 20 rupees, Momo 40 rupees). Everybody in the city is very peace loving, helpful and happy to smile Then I left the hotel and came to the sumo stand and hired a sumo wrestler. After going through the Neora Valley Pine Forest and going to Dale Resort, he would drop us off at Kalimpong Town (Rs. 2400). It started with a steep rocky road that went up further After a 1 hour walk through the sometimes muddy wet road and sometimes through the dense dark pine forest, we reached Rishop Neora Valley at an altitude of 7500 feet. Walking from the Neora Valley Resort to the beautiful Lepcha Cottage, a Scottish cottage, we entered the Neora Valley Pine Forest. Wet rain, covered in clouds, dark mysterious forest. Huge rows of huge pine trees, birdsong. Strange cold body creepy environment | The river of clouds is flowing through the forest Complete surreal environment | He got out of the environment and got back in the car, destination Dale Resort I drank tea twice on the way and enjoyed the beauty of the mountains
Dale Resort is a huge elite resort in Dhaka at the top of the hill (entry fee is Rs. 20, parking fee is Rs. 20). We reached Kalimpong in the afternoon along the hilly river Teesta Old Banedi is a beautiful city The impression of the British is still clear I ate at Bengali aunt’s hotel (rice, pulses, katal fish, mash, vegetables, pickles, fried potatoes 150 rupees). After a short tour of the city, we set off in the evening for Darjeeling (shared sumo, Rs. 150 per person) and arrived at the famous Darjeeling at 8 pm. I got up at Hotel Sagarika (5 people per room for Rs. 2000) from the previous experience of Darjeeling trip (details in another story). After a while, drink a cup of special Darjeeling tea and go to sleep







Since I have visited Darjeeling before (details in another story) I wanted to go all day in the alleys of Darjeeling city, eat at famous Indian, Tibetan, Nepali, British restaurants and relax and sit on the top of the hill and see the mountains and clouds. So I did, the picture below is sitting in such a place (Mall Square)
In the afternoon I took a shared sumo from Darjeeling to Siliguri (TK. 150). Woke up in the evening at Hotel Mount View (TK. 600 per room, 3 people) At night we walked around Bidhan Market, Sevak Road and Hill Cart Road and ate at the famous Khana Khazana (Hyderabadi Biryani 130 TK, Kulfi Ice Cream 60 TK).
The next morning after breakfast (Parota egg fry, tea 50 TK) I took a bus around the city and then rented a Tata Indigo car to come to Chengrabanda (1100 TK, 4 people can sit). The bus comes and goes (TK. 50) but we wanted to come at a little comfort After crossing about 80 km, I reached the border at 1 pm, after the trouble of the border, I returned to Pran’s country at 3 pm. Then I came to Dhaka via Burimari-Patgram-Lalmonirhat-Rangpur after a huge adventure at 10 am the next day.



Total cost TK 7,000 per person (excluding visa cost and dollar endorsement cost)


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