Nagaland Travel and Juku Valley Trek.

From then on, the latent desire to travel to Nagaland began to take root in my mind. We set off for Nagaland on September 5 with a tour plan arranged with the help of various sites, blogs, and TOB databases on the net. Our primary destination is Tamabil in Sylhet as we have Dauki port on a visa. After a journey of 6 hours from Dhaka-Sylhet (Tk. 480) and a couple of hours from Sylhet-Tamabil, we reach Tamabil. We crossed the border and walked for twenty minutes to Dauki Bazaar. He exchanged money for rupees in the market and took a taxi to Shillong. 4 seat taxi reserve fare is 1500 rupees. We reached Shillong in three hours, soaked in the impossibly beautiful views and touches of clouds on both sides of the Dauki-Shillong road.


I changed my car from Angelli’s turn of Shillong and got into Gohati’s car. It takes about 4 hours to reach the capital of Assam in a taxi of Rs 400 per head. It is the turn to take a taxi directly to the railway station and buy tickets first. I bought a Nagaland Express sleeper class ticket for Rs. After leaving the station for dinner (+ lunch), I came to the station, took a bath, and freshened up. The train arrived at its scheduled time. After a peaceful sleep in the sleeper class bed, we reached Dimapur in the morning. As soon as I got off the train, I went to the police station at the far end of the platform and paid for the permit. Then it is time to get out of the station and take a taxi again. This time the destination is Kohima, the capital of Nagaland. On the way to Kohima with a taxi of Rs 300 per head. However, the development work of Dimapur-Kohima highway will take a good test of anyone’s patience. After passing the endurance test in 5 hours, we finally reached Kohima. After descending to Kohima, we first went to the War Cemetery, where the martyrs of World War II are buried. There is a beautiful view of the whole city from the outer courtyard of Meghe Dhaka Cemetery.


After spending some time there, we set off for Bismillah (reserve Rs. 1500). The car stopped on the way and the lunch episode was over. Although there is a good road to Bisema village, the 6 km road from the village to the dropping point is rocky. After the last 6 km struggle, when we got out of the car, it was 4 pm. From where the car descends, the road starts up the steep hill stairs. The viewpoint is an hour’s walk along this road, which rises through the middle of a densely wooded forest. The evening descends very fast on the mountain and at the same time, the clouds also take shelter in the lap of the mountain. So when we reached the viewpoint, the position of the rows of clouds was much lower than ours. After a short rest at the viewpoint, it is time to start walking again, but this time the road is not as steep as before, it is absolutely flat. The dorm is only possible if you walk another hour and a half along the footpath wrapped around the hill. While we are on this road, we are accompanied by a piece of the autumn moon, saying goodbye to the last light of twilight. The memory of crossing the last road of the trek in the moonlight still seems like a fascination. At 6 o’clock in the evening, we reached the dorm of the valley. About 30 hours of continuous travel and 3 hours of trekking for the first time near the bed. We were lost in a state of sleep at the end of a dinner full of hot smoked rice, vegetables, and pulses.


As soon as we woke up very early the next morning and stood on the verandah, it was our turn to raise our foreheads, watching the clouds play in the hills on both sides of the valley. Such a morning can be easily passed by swinging the ham, but we have less time. So fresh, we took the road to the main valley. Just like yesterday, a light sloping road descends down the hill towards the valley. After about 40 minutes, we landed in the main valley, rubbing the dew on the leaves of a knee-high shrub. As soon as we landed in the valley, we realized why it is compared to heaven. The rolling hills around the valley, the relentless lurking of the clouds, the swollen desert of the hills, the rushing streams running through it, the whimsical rainbows created naturally in the shimmering clouds, all combine to be an unearthly world. It was our turn to catch our way back after a couple of hours in that gloomy world.


After packing a bag from the dorm, we finished our breakfast and headed back to Kohima. But today the way back is different. On the way back, Jakhama was no less of a surprise to us. This road to return was much longer and steeper than the day before. However, the perfect weather here has made it more enjoyable instead of para. After crossing the road for about an hour, we were able to get down from the hill stairs, but it took us another 1 hour to walk to the main road. From there we started our return journey by taking Kohimar taxi (reserve Rs. 600). But on the way to Naga Heritage Village. It is also the turn to look around with an additional 100 taka waiting for a charge in the taxi. The village is decorated with miniature versions of the cultures and cultures of all the tribes of Nagaland. The Hornbill Festival is held here every year on December 1-10. Many foreign tourists come here to witness this festive atmosphere. After a 1 hour drive around the village, take a taxi again. On the way back. That long journey again. But this time the memory of the unprecedented beautiful Nagaland carried as a companion. If you survive, you may have to run again to be attracted by this beauty.


Members of our tour are 4

No, per capita cost: Tk. 9,000.

Note: Considering the time, opportunity, and situation, no matter where you go, do not show your petty and low-mindedness by polluting the environment.


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