Online registration of tourists in St. Martin.

The government is thinking of bringing online registration system for those interested in visiting Sagarkanya St. Martin. This is being done keeping in mind the need to protect the biodiversity of the atoll.

A plan in this regard is in the early stages in the Department of Environment. However, those concerned are expecting to implement it within this year. It is learned that a software will be developed soon as part of the plan.

Director General of the Department of Environment. Sultan Ahmed told The Daily Star that the work plan for the project has been finalized.





The software will be developed to ensure that only registered tourists can visit St. Martin’s Island, he added.

Dr. Sultan said, “We have submitted the action plan to the concerned ministries. A meeting will be held at the Prime Minister’s Office in this regard. They will be approved there. ”







The department is also considering taking nominal money from tourists for registration. In addition, 1,250 tourists will be allowed to visit the island every day. At present, at least 4,000 tourists visit there every day.

According to the department, anyone from home and abroad who wants to travel to the island must register online. Once the prescribed number of registrations is made per day, the registration for that day will be actively closed.

Dr. Sultan said St. Martin’s biodiversity was under threat due to a lack of awareness among many tourists.







“That’s why we plan to open an information center on the island. So that tourists can be made aware of the importance of protecting the biodiversity of the island, ”added the Director General.

A list of tourists will be given after visiting the island. It will contain what they should or should not do. He also said that there will be guidelines on how to protect the island’s environment and biodiversity.


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