Route plan of Rs. 12,7000 (Dhaka, Kolkata, Agra, Delhi, Manali, Amritsar)


Visit Dhaka – Kolkata – Agra – Delhi – Manali – Amritsar (Punjab) – Kolkata – Dhaka Only ৮৬ 18 or Rs. 12,7 Thousand (Route Plan)
What a surprise. Thinking Gaza aunt is not telling the story or listening to the story of a foul tour. No! Telling the story of a planned good or luxurious tour. Learn to do your own tour excluding brokers or agencies :). Now keep reading below. You have to have a minimum of 3 people to take this tour and it will take 15 days.
7 days a day: Benapole Shyamoli from Dhaka, Green Line, Sohag Paribahan 500 rupees or 420 rupees. The cost of immigration to Bangladesh is about 50 rupees. This time you will go straight to Bangaon railway station for CNG 30 rupees. From here the fare of Sealdah train is 20 rupees. You went straight to Sealdah. Do not stay in Calcutta on the first day. Take a night train from Sealdah to Agra Fort Railway Station. Slipper class will cost only 575 rupees. One bucket of sympathy for those who think sleeper class is bad. Arrive at Sealdah railway station and go to the back gate. Good food is available there at low prices. You will get rice and fish for 100 rupees and you will eat soda for 8 rupees. Don’t miss the soda. Unstable things. Buy All India Airtel SIM + 1 GB for 300 rupees. Voda phone coverage is low. Airtel Best
Total cost of day 1 is 420 + 50 + 30 + 20 + 575 + 30 + 100 + 8 + 300 = 2033 rupees
Day two: Eat egg biryani on the train. Only 100 rupees per packet, with 2 eggs and fried rice. Egg biryani in the afternoon and breakfast in the morning costs 250 rupees. If you want to have tea, eat it. 10 rupees per cup. Take the upper hour in sleeper class. Sleep peacefully at night and see India through the train window during the day. If you go to AC, you will probably get more comfort, but you will not be able to see India anymore. Those who have traveled by train know what fun it is to stand at the door of a train and see the outside world.
Total cost of day 2: 250 + 20 = 260 rupees


















Day 3: Arrive at Agra Fort Station in the morning. Have breakfast on the train in the morning. The cost will be 50 rupees. We were at Ajay International next to the station. Rent for 1 night is 950 rupees or 316 rupees per person. Now go to the hotel and get fresh. Leave the hotel and walk a little to the right. If you walk for 2 minutes you will find Jama Masjid. Along with the mosque you will find all the Muslim food hotels. A plate of liver costs 40 rupees and tandoor bread 5 rupees. Playing at 3 will fill the stomach. After eating, turn on the GPS of the mobile and track the electric house crossing. 5 minutes walk to Bijali Ghar Crossing. From here you will get CNG going to Taj Mahal, per person 10 rupees. Go straight down to the Western Gate of the Taj Mahal. Go here and buy a ticket. You must say SAARC COUNTRY at the time of ticketing. Tickets will cost only 530 rupees. See the Taj Mahal first. I will tell you why later :). Always use the Foreigner Zone when visiting the Taj Mahal. If you want to see the police ticket, show it. There are many benefits to a foreign ticket. Bathroom free, you can go first, etc. Take 3 to 4 hours to visit the Taj Mahal. Then take an auto to Agra Imti Ud Daula. The price will be Rs 60, per person Rs 28. See Mina Bazaar on the way. Then go straight to see Imti Ud Daula. There are 2 installations around Imti Ud Daula but in my opinion there is no need to look, it is not very beautiful. In the afternoon watch the sunset over the river Jamuna from Baby Taj or Imti Ud Daula. Very beautiful. Imti Ud Doula Entrance fee is Rs. 15 (must say SAARC). Now if you want you can come to your hotel on foot or you can come by auto. It will cost Rs 15 per person to reach Agra Fort railway station. We came on foot, looking around the city of Agra. When you return to the hotel, eat on a full stomach. If the per person is too much, he will wear 100 rupees.
Your total cost for day 3: 50 + 318 + 40 + 15 + 10 + 530 + 28 + 15 + 15 + 100 = 1119 Rs.









Day Four: Let’s go straight to Bijali Ghar Crossing in the morning. From here Agra Cantt Railway Station fare is Rs. If you stand in front of Agra Cantt Railway Station, you will find the second class ticket and luggage room on the right hand side and the ticket counter of SL, AC next to it. Go to the left and buy a train ticket to Delhi (Hazrat Nizam Uddin Railway Station, Delhi) at 1 am, per person 180 rupees. Now go to the luggage room and keep your luggage for 20 rupees per person (safe). Now go to the General Class ticket house and buy a train ticket to Fatehpur Sikri, the fare is 10 rupees. Entry fee for entering Fatehpur Sikri is Rs. 40 (must say SAARC). Arrive at Agra Cantt Railway Station by 12 noon, train fare 10 rupees. Get down at the station and eat something light, it costs 30 rupees. From here to Agra Fort per person CNG Rs. As soon as you go to Agra Fort, show the police your previous day’s ticket to the Taj Mahal and tell me I will buy a ticket under SAARC. Per person 35 rupees, otherwise you have to pay like 500 :). Return to Agra Cantt Railway Station at any time of your choice. Eat something heavy here, it costs 100 rupees. Here are a few things to keep in mind that you will find many food stalls on the right and left hand side of the road very close to the station on the way to Agra Cantt Railway Station. The left side but actually the bar and the right side to sit with the family :). When you reach Hazrat Nizam Uddin Railway Station, Delhi, it will be around 5 or 4 o’clock at night. Now go straight to the AC waiting room and lie down 🙂
Your total cost for day 8: 10 + 160 + 20 + 10 + 40 + 10 + 30 + 15 + 35 + 100 = 440 rupees













8 days five: 9 o’clock in the morningWake up in the morning. Now freshen up and turn on the GPS of your mobile and go out to see Humayun’s grave. On the way you will wear a small bus stand and have a light breakfast from there, the cost per person is 50 rupees. Now look at Humayun’s grave to see the face of Delhi in the morning, the anti fee is 30 rupees. Now let’s go to Red Fort with a CNG. The rent per person is 35 rupees. Red Fort entrance fee is 35 rupees. See Red Ford and eat something heavy, it will be 100 rupees. After seeing the Red Fort, you will find many tourist buses in front of it. Per person will charge 130 to 100 rupees and will visit all the historical places of Delhi. Arrive at Kashmir Gate bus station by 5 pm. You will find MacDonald at the metro rail station right next to the station. If you spend 250 rupees per person, your stomach will be full. This time to buy a normal HRTC car ticket for Volvo’s summer day to go to Manali in winter. Volvo 1412 rupees normal 75 rupees. Buy a Volvo ticket to relieve fatigue throughout the day. When you go to Manli, you have to see a lot of things including Chandigarh. As a bonus, there is Delhi at night. There is a hotel for cheap Muslim food near Delhi Jama Masjid.
Your total cost for day 5: 50 + 30 + 35 + 35 + 100 + 130 + 1412 + 250 = 2042
◄◄▌▌ Day 6: As soon as you enter Manali, download the OYO, MAKE MY TRIPS app on your mobile. OYO is good, offers a lot. I wouldn’t say everyone would advise you to stay on Mall Road. If you want to see the beauty of Manali, stay in Lodge Hat Area or Old Manali or Circuit House Area. We stayed at the highest beautiful hotel in Lodge Hat Area Manali. I got 69% discount through OYO app (because it was off season). To go to Lodge Hat from Mall Road or Bus Stand, Jacon CNG will charge Rs. 25 per person. Our hotel had 2500 with only 2 nights 3 days + free breakfast at 69% discount. We took more than 300 rupees because we had early check in, as per person 634 rupees only 6. Don’t forget to eat on Mall Road. In the Lodge Hat area you will find some Nepali paws. One cannot finish eating rice with chicken for 100 rupees. The temple of Goddess Hadimba is near Lodge Hat area. Go straight to see the temple and see the hills. Take a tour of the area. Very beautiful. You are eating only 200 rupees for the whole day. God knows if you can do something in 2000 if you are on Mall Road. The hilly area soon became empty in the name of night. Come back to the hotel after eating at 8 pm.
Your total cost of day 7: 25 + 634 + 200 = 1059 rupees
On the same day, rent a CNG and see all the places in the city or the rest of your favorite travel places. Keep Solang Valley for everyone at the end of the day. The CNG fare for the whole day will not be more than 600 rupees, per person 26. Don’t forget to take the cab. If so. The cost of eating all day is 200 rupees.
Your total cost of day 7: 26 + 200 = 48 rupees
Check out of the hotel at 8 in the morning and leave. Take the CNG to Mall Road to Solang Valley. You will see 3 to 4 places with rent like 800. CNG fare will be Rs 234 per person. Get on Mall Road in 3 hours. Eat something heavy. If per person is 100. Now buy a normal HRTC car ticket to Amritsar, Punjab, Rs 550 per person. The car will leave at 3.30 minutes. Don’t forget to buy a 6.30 Volvo car ticket. Why not cut? You will understand when you read the following words. The car will leave at 3.30 minutes. As the car continues to climb the hill towards the Kullu bus stand, you will see distant hills and be lost in another world. You will reach Kullu bus stand in the evening. Impossibly beautiful Kullu bus stand surrounded by hills. This time you will come to Amritsar, Punjab to see the houses burning all night on the hill. Eat something with 100 rupees per person on the way.
Your total cost of day 7: 234 + 100 + 550 + 100 = 964 rupees
Not that day: You will come to Amritsar bus stand in the morning to sleep on the bus. From here the fare is 10 rupees to Amritsar railway station. Go there and go to the AC or first class waiting room and take a bath. Keep your luggage in the luggage room for 20 rupees. In front of the station, eat chicken biryani on a full stomach with 150 rupees. This time John went to the Golden Template with 15 rupees per person. Jaliwanola bug near Golden Templar. After seeing everything, shop at the market adjacent to the Golden Template because there are a lot of low priced items here. Of course you will eat lachchi and ice cream, 25 + 30 rupees. Much lower price. Now come to Amritsar railway station at 7.30 per person per person. After 1 day of seeing Amritsar, there is no need to go to the border. If you have to stay one day unnecessarily. Train from Amritsar, Punjab to Howrah, Kolkata at 8.30 pm. Again, eat chicken biryani or something else, it will be 150 rupees. Amritsar to Kolkata train fare is Rs.
Total cost of day 9: 15 + 10 + 20 + 150 + 15 + 150 + 25 + 30 + 85 = 1180 rupees
That day ten + eleven + twelve: Notice the way you went but did not return. Returned to the other side. On the way back you will find many new places. The cost of eating in three days will not be more than 600 rupees. These three days you will be on the train from Amritsar to Kolkata. So only eating costs
Day 10 + 11 + 12 Total cost: 600 rupees
You will reach Howrah station on the 13th day of the day or around 10 am. From there, take the subway. 129 / C bus to Park Street with a fare of Rs. See Howrah Bridge on the way. 15m from Park Street

Mirza Ghalib Street as soon as you walk. Once there, you will get a hotel for 2 nights in 2000, as per person, Rs. There is a Muslim food hotel with Islamic name next to Mirza Ghalibei Hotel Khwaja Habib, I can’t remember the name. There you will get beef and 2 plates of rice for 60 rupees. They give a lot more in quantity and they also give extra soup if they want. After freshening up at the hotel, visit Eden Garden, Millennium Park, JAMES PRINSER GHAT, Second Hooghly Bridge by GPS truck in the afternoon. The evening must also be spent sitting in the field in front of JAMES PRINSER GHAT. Return to the hotel at night with 60 rupees.
Day 13 Total cost: 6 + 6 + 60 + 70 = 693 rupees.
◄◄▌▌ Day Fourteen: If you spend 600 rupees per person, you can see everything in Kolkata, including Science City, the average field. I am not writing much about Calcutta. A place for Bengali speakers, so no one will have any problem. It will cost 180 rupees to eat three meals a day. Cut back to Newmarket in the afternoon. Visit Kolkata at night.
Cost of day 14: 600 + 160 = 60 rupees
Fifteen in the morning: Take a taxi to Sealdah railway station in the morning with 40 rupees per person. Now buy a train ticket to Bangaon with 20 rupees. The people of Bangaon speak the language of Jessore. Now come to Haridashpur Border or Benapole with 30 rupees. Covered with 500 rupees or 420 rupees. The cost of eating all day is 250 rupees
Cost of 15 days: 60 + 20 + 30 + 420 + 250 = 600 rupees
Total cost for a 15-day tour: ৬৬৭ 12.6 or (18 (Rs. 6.30 per dollar)
 In 15 days you will cross West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh (EAST), Uttar Pradesh (WEST), Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab in India.
On the way you can see Jharkhand, Banaras, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Haryana, Chandigarh, Allahabad, Ludhiana, Kullu, Jalandhar, Durgapur, Barasat, 24 Parganas, Asansol, Lakhno and beyond in broad daylight by train.
◄◄▌▌Some experience: I have an addiction, that is the addiction to travel. I don’t like to go in a closed AC room or on a plane to see something. In my opinion travel will be safe to know a lot. If you do not travel to India by train, 50% of the travel will remain incomplete. Standing by the train door, seeing distant hills, villages of India, enjoying the train as it passes over new places is a joy. I relied entirely on mobile GPS on my travels. We walked down the street in the Indian city of Oli.

The railway stations in India have good bath and bathroom facilities. You can access them only with the PNR number of the confirmed ticket. The station has Google’s high speed free WiFi (will not work without a mobile number). There is a system to give mobile charge on the train. I am giving the address of some apps, you must keep them on your mobile. Many of them will not get access with Bangladeshi IP, go to India and install it on your mobile. With these you will get information about hotel, train location, from which station to which train the train will go.

1. OYO (Best)
2. Make My Trips
3. Goibibo
4. Ixigo Train
5. Uber / Ola Cabs
. app of
. Google Map
Avoid brokers. Do not give the passport to anyone. Take your passport + visa + a few copies of the photo with you from Bangladesh. There is no photocopy, there is no Xerox. Dollars will be redeemed in Calcutta. In Benapole or Haridashpur you will redeem around 500 rupees.
In India, SAARC COUNTRY (Bangladesh + Pakistan + Sri Lanka + Nepal + Bhutan + Afghanistan + Maldives) foreigners have lower ticket prices than other foreigners. In many cases SAARC COUNTRY people can buy tickets at the price of Indian tickets. All you have to do is mention that you are from SAARC COUNTRY.
 Talk about some thin pins (avoid them if you don’t like them) If you can speak Hindi, you will be saved from a lot of trouble. If you can speak Hindi well, you can speak Hindi in Kolkata so that you can buy things at the right price. When crossing the border, keep only 8 notes of 20 rupees + 4 notes of 10 rupees with the dollar. If you want somewhere, you will pay 20 rupees, if it is too much, you will pay 30 rupees. Of course, keep the internet and GPS on your mobile. Because your GPS will never give you wrong information :). Another important thing to keep in mind when going to India is:
NOTE: My tour plan only mentions a trip to India. I did not write about visa fee, travel tax or anything else which will cost you 1200 rupees if it is too much. The route plan that I have given is to go to India and find out by pushing a lot 🙂 I hope you will help. However, you must take some extra money backup, because everyone’s travel experience is different from everyone else. Thank you for taking the time to write so much 🙂


1 Comment

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