Snownepedeng touches the clouds of the land of clouds.

It is really difficult to ignore the distant mountains when they call with their hands. Especially those who love to roam like vagabonds.


It’s like an infallible pull, the mind wants to run again and again. In what intoxication, in what hope? Only in the hope of seeing nature for a moment, in the greed to embrace its solitude, in the longing to surrender oneself to its beauty.

If that’s just the other way around, just like the sweet girl next door.


I was talking about Meghdoot Kumari village Snowenpedang in Meghalaya. Where once there is no way not to go a second time, I can assure.

You can visit this beautiful village at a very low cost and in a short time. We went to the family, anyone can go as a group or as a couple or as a family.

Everything will depend on what you want, get, and afford. If one wants, one can rent a car in the same place and if one wants, the cost of a bus can be a little less. I am giving a rough calculation for you keeping in mind everyone’s words, I hope it will be helpful.



First of all, get a passport and get a visa for 800 TK. Submit travel tax to Sonali Bank, 500 per person.

Bus from Dhaka to Sylhet, 480 TK per person. Going down to the city and having a full breakfast at Panchbhai or Pansi Hotel, Sarun makes his own, maximum 100 TK. (Note: These will be more or less as you wish)

From there the bus goes to Tamabil border, the bus fare is probably a little less than 100, since we reserved the car, from Sylhet to the border 2300 TK. So it would be good to know the bus fare.



You can reach there in 2 to 2.5 hours if there is no traffic jam. The formalities of the two customs are down there. If there is no crowd, the hour is over in a couple of hours, but if the fortune is bad, it is too late, but that is in the customs of India.

Anyway, after finishing these, you will see many taxis standing outside the Indian office. If you go for shares, it is possible at 100-200 rupees and if you reserve it, it is 400-500 rupees. They will want a lot, it will be better to bargain.

There are two ways to stay the night if one does not plan to go to Shillong. Homestay is perfect for family or couples. And if you like Gula, you can camp by the river.

You can contact here and if you want you can go there.



400-500 rupees for camp and 1000-1500 rupees for a homestay, depending on the place.
They will provide dinner if you want and you can also eat from outside if you want.

Try to fry fish, pulses, and salad to make the meal better, the price is less and it is quite delicious to eat. We bought a lot of food, the price was 500-600 rupees, so playing less is possible at 200 rupees.

There is a new restaurant out of the village, called Betelnut. It’s a beautiful place to look at, it’s fun to eat and there are so many items to choose from. And the price is within reach.



Now let’s come to activities. How to go there and not dare to do anything. Boating, kayaking, cliff jumping, trekking, zip-lining, snorkeling, scuba diving are all available at Rs 400 to Rs 500. Of these, the zip lining is only 200 rupees, which my 5-year-old baby has done, Alhamdulillah, I have included the video.

Many people go to Kransuri Water Falls from here which is really beautiful. It takes an hour to go, the car will cost 400-500. We didn’t have time so we couldn’t go this time.

Another thing is that it is better to take the rupee from here, although it is a bit legal this is the best way. Dollars can be redeemed from the Dauki market. And we took a travel card which is also very useful. You will find the State Bank of India booth at Dauki.

And last but not least, keep your environment, your surroundings clean, wherever you go. Do not throw dirt, empty bottles, packets of chips here and there, throw them in the right place.


The main feature of this village is that after a while e-bin is given for dumping garbage, which teaches us to think, are we really fulfilling our responsibilities?

Hopefully, you’ve got a lot of information, please feel free to ask if you know anything else.



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