This post is for those who want a little leisure from everyday urban life.

Those who want a little leisure from everyday urban life, but do not want to travel too much stress can choose our 2 day travel experience …..





Day 1: We started our journey from Narayanganj due to lack of tickets. The journey started at 11 pm for Chittagong. We got off at 8 am. Thanks to having a girlfriend, I went to her house, started the journey to Kaptai after having breakfast. We rented a micro for 4000 rupees for the whole day. It took me about 2 hours to go to Kaptai. We had a problem with the booking. Kayaking is 200 rupees per hour, 2 people can get up in 1 kayak. You will be lost in the stillness of the lake surrounded by mountains for a while. Then the destination is Sheikh Russell Eco Park, the country of cable cars abroad, before you go to take the news off or not. From the park you can go to Naval Beach. To have an afternoon snack with fried crab, onion and murdi macha.






Day 2: We didn’t want to make a journey back on the night of the 2nd, so we chose Fayez Lake. You can buy a ticket for 250 TK and give yourself back to nature. We walked around the hill, boating the lake for 100 TK per person for 1 hour. You can leave Fayez Lake and go to Chittagong War Cemetery. It closes at 5 pm, so try to take some time. If you don’t want to be lazy in the afternoon, you can come back to Chittagong DC Hill, Cheragi Junction. This junction is said to be the meeting place of the four Auliyas. Get some rest and dinner and go out to return to Dhaka. We went back by train.


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