Top 10 most livable countries in the world.

We are all citizens of one country or another by birth. Although there are many countries in the world, we do not consider all countries to be equally suitable for living or higher education. Which country you want to go to in the future depends entirely on the facilities of the country you want to go to.

The UN has released a list of people who have left for a long time, based on their own experience, even though there is no meter to measure how ‘good’ a country is. The so-called “Good Country Index” judging countries have been selected based on their positive contributions worldwide. This selection is based on seven different categories. Such as – Health and Welfare, World Order, International Peace and Security, Culture, Climate, Science and Technology and Prosperity.

I have seen many people express their desire to go to European countries in public or in the middle of a conversation. I have seen reluctance among many to migrate within this subcontinent. It’s usually a lot because of the improved lifestyle and opportunities. According to the UN, the list is very much like this:





1. Sweden
In Sweden huge amounts of health and medical expenses are paid by county councils and municipal taxes. When someone is sick, the government bears all the expenses, only the doctor’s fees have to be paid. Looking for housing as a student, your first point of contact should always be your university. Most universities provide accommodation for international students.





Swedish students are almost always housed in halls or flats from institutions or universities. Swedish municipalities plan housing and residential areas so that they can meet the needs of the elderly and the disabled. At present, Sweden has been included in the list of favorites of many of you as there has been a lot of improvement in the fields of research and nuclear project management.




2. Denmark
You can also put Denmark at the top for living. The central government divides the responsibility of treating the people of the country into 96 local supervising units. Those who are in charge of various vaccines in medical, hospital care. In the case of education, public school starts at the age of six and is free. Before the public school system, children up to the age of 18 have an introductory class to get acquainted with the new Danish language and the role of the overall school system. The Danish people always like to get new cultures, rules, diversity. So if you are an immigrant there, you can also learn about different aspects of the culture.





3. The Netherlands
Dutch cities are extremely dense and densely populated. Major cities are slowly being reorganized. The government is taking care of various entertainments without focusing only on the house. Sitting on the streets, parks, urban fields are being developed. The Netherlands has a central government and all powers are vested in members of the cabinet. There is a free market economy and 5 types of goods are imported and exported. In this Catholic area, men and women are involved in everything from farming to office work. Indigent families have government insurance for treatment and the rich own. Having access to higher education in applied subjects gives job opportunities to students from other countries as well as their own people.





4. United Kingdom
With the question of which country to go to, many of us close our eyes and say UK. This country with more opportunities than any other country in the world is suitable for living. Just as this busiest city has all the opportunities for higher education, the arrival of people from different countries has also created a mixture of different cultures. They are committed to providing improved housing, safe housing for the elderly and meeting all their needs. You are looking for a job in the UK, but first your research work is – which sector has the most job opportunities. The top sectors for expatriates are computer programming, consultancy, healthcare and the financial sector. For many, art, civilization, architecture, everything is a dream city.

5. Switzerland
Next on the list is the green state of Switzerland. The education system in Switzerland is very diverse, as the constitution of Switzerland mainly represents the authority for the school system in the cantons. The Swiss constitution lays the foundation, as every child in primary school is compulsory and free education is provided in public schools. Switzerland has no natural resources, education and knowledge have become extremely important resources. So Switzerland claims to be one of the best education systems in the world.





Healthcare in Switzerland is universal and health insurance is regulated by Swiss federal law. There is no state-sponsored health care, but personal health insurance is mandatory for residents of Switzerland within three months of residence or birth in the country. The development of art and literature and the development of scientific work are significant for the development and strengthening of the technical and economic position of the country.




. Germany
German cities have generally witnessed all eras in the history of European architecture. The order of the Roman, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles is evident, especially in the churches. Most of Germany’s urban architecture bears witness to nineteenth-century consciousness. Manual trade, training, qualifications, and licensing are governed by special laws. Training and qualifications 

Occurs through vocational schools and internships. Germany has many universities and technical colleges, almost all of which are governed by separate federal state departments. The Germans were among the leaders in the development of both Western biomedicine and national health insurance. Biomedical healthcare is extensive and of high quality in Germany.


. Finland
The old form of art culture is found in new forms in Finland. The country has made great strides in the export of engineering and electronics products in recent years. It is the first country to give women equal voting rights. In overall healthcare it is advanced in pediatric, cardiovascular and alcohol research research.

. France
In addition to family allowances, retirement benefits and unemployment, the French system of social security takes care of health. The National Health System covers medical costs and hospitalizations for French citizens. About 10 percent of the students are foreigners and various education allowances are being introduced for them in the country at present.

9. Austria
Austria is a highly industrialized country. Tourism is making a huge contribution to the economy, especially the ski resorts in the Alps and the cultural centers in Vienna. Austria is one of the most developed and integrated social welfare programs in the world, run by direct and indirect taxes. Austria has twelve universities and six fine arts colleges, and for this you will find no shortage of art literature.
10. Canada
At present, Canada offers all kinds of programs in the field of education all over the world. Along with the improvement in the industrial literature, automobile engineering and industry, many have also put it on the list of preferred countries.

We can all think about these things before leaving our country for higher education or any other need. If you go abroad unnecessarily, you don’t have to admit harassment or despair.


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