Travel to Nepal by road and it’s expenses!

Many days I wanted to visit Nepal, but I am a poor traveler, so I can’t afford to fly. I did not get any post/help to go by road even after doing a lot of research. I did not get any word after posting on Facebook a few times. Many people said that now it is not possible to go by road/visa. With all that in mind, I submitted 6 passports for the visa of Nepal in December 8. As usual, the next day I got all the passports with the visa back. Then on the 10th, 7 people submitted their passports for a transit visa to India. Although there is a delivery date on the 19th, we deliver the passport on the 22nd due to the bus ticket on the 23rd.
Unfortunately, 1 person did not get a visa. Later he went by plane, again 2 people were from Kathmandu, later they separated. So I paid for all the expenses here as one person.
On the 23rd we started the journey on the Hanif bus at 8:30 pm. Bus fare is 650 tk, dinner is 150 tk. Total cost: 800 tk.


Day 1:


It is 10 o’clock in the morning to reach Burimari. I have a quick breakfast of 35 tk, a port development fee of 50 tk, immigration work in about 1 hour and I left for India. Indian immigration also takes about 30 minutes.
After Exchanging the money I reserved a car for Raniganj for 1700 rupees 5 people, per head 425 rupees. After about 3 hours we reached the Raniganj border.
After landing at Raniganj, I finished my immigration work in 20 minutes and went straight to Kankarvita Immigration in Nepal. After finishing work at Kakarvita Immigration in 15 minutes, I started looking for a bus to Kathmandu, got the last bus in Kapalgun. I confirmed the seat of the bus for 600 rupees, ate lunch + dinner for 150 rupees. We left for Kathmandu at 7 pm. The journey breaks several times on the way, breakfast 60 rupees on the way.
Cost of 1st day: 35 + 425 + 600 + 150 + 60 = 1370 rupees / 1671 tk.


Day 2:


I woke up seeing the mountains around, after a while I took a break for breakfast, I had breakfast for 250 rupees. Then I started driving again so that the road would not end !! Finally, I reached Kathmandu at 11 o’clock. After searching a lot, I bought a hotel for 2500 rupees, 5 people. I went out in search of fresh food, I also got Nepali Thali food for 330 rupees.


After eating, I walked to Darbar Square with Google Maps. I went back to the hotel to see the night stop from Durbar Square till evening. After freshening up, I went out in search of halal food. , Tea – 20 rupees.
2nd day cost: 250 + 500 + 330 + 300 + 20 = 1400 Nepali rupees / 1050 tk.


Day 3:


The poor traveler got up at the hostel the night before at Rs 300 per head. I get up in the morning, eat potato paratha for 120 rupees + tea and rent a car for Kathmandu side scene for 4500 rupees (Pashupathinath Temple, World Heritage Buddhanath Stupa, Bura Nilakantha, Chandragiri, Swayambhunath Temple, Kathmandu Durbar Square). I take biscuits and oranges for breakfast for 45 rupees. I eat Nepali veg for 330 rupees at Chandragiri in the afternoon. I eat biryani for 275 rupees at Al-Medina Hotel at night. I buy a bus ticket to Pokhara tomorrow morning for 800 rupees.
3rd day cost: 300 + 120 + 650 + 45 + 330 + 275 + 600 = 2520 rupees / 1890 tk.


4th day:


I wake up in the morning and eat tea and biscuits for 50 rupees and get on the bus to Pokhara at 6:00 am. I take biscuits and oranges for breakfast for 50 rupees on the bus. I took a hotel for 300 rupees per head. After freshening up, I started searching for halal food. With the help of Google Maps, I found a restaurant called Pokhara Halal Food. I ate lunch + dinner with buffalo meat for 300 rupees. After eating, I went for a walk on the shores of Fewa Lake. When I came to the hotel at night, I ate biscuits and tea for 50 rupees. After talking to the hotel manager, I reserved a car for the side scene the next day for 6 people with 7000 rupees.
It was a very good time, every evening various festivals were going on in the streets of Pokhara.
4th day cost: 50 + 50 + 300 + 300 + 50 + 1000 = 1650 rupee /1313 tk.


Day 5:


I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and went to the reserved car in Sarankot, an entrance fee per head 60 rupees. Then I bought a ticket for 80 rupees at Bat Cave. I had breakfast outside the gate for 150 rupees. In the evening I go for a walk on the shores of Fewa Lake, tea is 30 rupees. At night we ate dinner at Pokhara Halal restaurant for 300 rupees. Hotel rent was 300 rupees. At night the festivals of Pokhara were very enjoyable.
5th day cost: 60 + 70 + 80 + 150 + 300 + 30 + 300 = 1000 rupees / 750 tk.


6th day:


I kept this day for walking around Fewa Lake. I woke up in the morning and went to Fewa Lake with breakfast for 150 rupees. 5 people rent a boat for 2 hours with 1180 rupees. After 2 hours of walking around the lake, we return to the hotel, freshen up and have lunch at a halal restaurant for 300 rupees. Then I rented a bicycle for 150 rupees an hour and returned to the hotel for 1 hour. At night I ate dinner at that halal restaurant for 300 rupees.
I came to the hotel and talked to the manager. The next afternoon I booked the Kankarvita bus ticket for Rs. 1300 per head. The hotel rent was Rs. 300.
6th day cost: 150 + 232 + 300 + 150 + 300 + 1300 + 300 = 2732 rupees / 2049 tk.


Day 7:


I woke up in the morning and had breakfast for 60 rupees. The next day I didn’t mind riding the bike + there is time till the afternoon, so 2 people rented 2 bicycles for 150 rupees. I cycled to the paragliding land field With the year ahead, the price of everything has gone up. Anyway, I thought about the happiness of the madman. I came to the hotel in the afternoon, freshened up, and ate a veggie plate with 220 rupees.
Then I took a Google map and walked to the bus stand. After walking 1.5 km, I got on the local bus for 15 rupees. I left for Kakarvita at 3:30 in the afternoon. I eat chaomin + eggs for 140 rupees.
7th day cost: 60 + 150 + 220 + 15 + 100 + 140 = 705 rupees / 529 tk.


Day 8:


In the morning I get down to Kankarvita and have breakfast for 120 rupees. Then after finishing the work of Nepal Immigration + Raniganj Immigration I came to Siliguri by local bus for 30 rupees. I took a room with 3 people per head for 300 rupees. After freshening up at the hotel, we went to the “Pakija” Muslim restaurant at the Venus intersection and had lunch with beef for 145 rupees.
Then I do some shopping and eat biryani at Pakija restaurant at night for 100 rupees. At night I go back to the hotel and sleep.
8th day cost: 120 + 30 + 300 + 145 + 100 = 695 rupees / 848 tk.


9th day:


I wake up in the morning and eat beef liver + bread for 60 rupees. Then I rent a car and go to the Siliguri bus stand for 30 rupees. I leave for Chengrabanda with 70 rupees by bus. After finishing the immigration work on both sides, I had lunch in the afternoon with only 70 to. Then at 5 pm I bought a ticket for 650 tk and left for Dhaka. At night I ate bread and vegetables at the Highway Hotel for 50 rupees.
Cost of 9th day: 60 + 30 + 60 + 650 + 50 = 908 tk.


Total cost:


600 + 161 + 1050 + 1890 + 1313 + 650 + 2049 + 529 + 648 + 908 = 11808 tk. Extra cost out of this: BD Border 100+ India Border 120+ Raniganj Border 240+ Kankarvita Border 150,, on arrival India Border 120+ BD Border 100 = Rs. Visa cost of India: 840 tk..
Travel tax: 500 tk. Lastly, the total cost per person: 11608 + 630 + 640 + 500 = 1396 rupees (including visa + travel tax)
***, Of course, there may be some more or less.) (Where the value of money is higher than rupee, it is Nepali rupee, and where the value of money is less than rupee, it is Indian rupee)


> Documents required for Nepal Visa:


* Passport (must be valid for a minimum of 6 months) *
Photocopy of passport.
*1 copy of passport size photo.
*Photocopy of National Identity Card.
*Copy of Professional Certificate (Photocopy of Student ID Card if Student, Holiday Certificate if Employee).
* Copy of hotel booking in Nepal.
* Photocopy of Dhaka-Burimari return ticket when you go by road.
* You can download the visa application form online and fill it in hand, or you can also fill and submit it from the embassy gate.
* It does not cost any money to get a visa to Nepal for the 1st time of the year. It costs money to go for the 2nd time in the same year.


>> Transit visa documents for India:


* Application form filled online with 2 × 2 photos.
* Photocopy of passport.
* Professional certification.
* Bank statement/dollar endorsement.
* Copy of any bill of residence.
* Copy of hotel booking in Nepal.
* Photocopy of Dhaka-Burimari return ticket.
* Photocopy of Nepal visa.




** It takes about 36 hours to reach Kathmandu from Dhaka, 6 hours to reach Pokhara from Kathmandu, it is better not to go by road if you do not have enough morale + energy. ** I didn’t like Kathmandu very much, like Dhaka, but Pokhara is a quiet, tidy, clean city.
*** Please do not do anything that harms the environment by going around. Remember that cleanliness is a part of faith.
*** Please do not go around drinking, gambling, intoxication.
*** Do not forget to perform prayers during the journey, if you are on a day trip, pray all day together at night, but still do not leave the prayers. If you can come to the mosque to donate something.

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