You can visit the largest flower market and flower cultivation area of the country in one day.

There are many buses directly from Dhaka to Jessore at night. Get on the desired bus (Hanif is better on this road in my opinion). You will reach Jessore before dawn. Have breakfast in Jessore. Then take the Jessore Benapole local bus to Gadkhali Bazar (fare 25 rupees). The market lasts till 9-10 pm and then the sale ends. Those who want to go from Khulna, it is better to go by train. If you go by bus, it will take more time. The road is also very bad. The Benapole commuter train leaves at 7 am and you can get off at Jhikargachha directly. Gadkhali market directly by van from the station. Besides, you can get off at Jessore on other trains (there is a train to Rajshahi at 6.30). From there take a local bus to Gadkhali. When the market is over, the journey is to the flower field. You can take a flower turn from Gadkhali market (10 taka van rental). You will see flowers and flowers on both sides before you turn. Get down inside the garden and walk around. However, do not tear the flowers and do not damage the tree.
You will see that the gerbera trees are planted in many greenhouse type houses. Get the owner’s permission and you will see that they will unlock the house and turn you around. But do not waste trees or flowers. If you want to buy flowers, talk to the farmer directly and you will get very little. One thing to keep in mind when looking at flowers is whether there is any ceremony within the next two to three days. If there are but most of the flowers will be cut for sale. We went on December 14, cutting most of the flowers for sale on the occasion of Victory Day. After visiting the flower garden and buying flowers, come to Jessore through Gadkhali Bazar. Haji can go to Biryani for food. After eating you can visit Jessore city. Now get on the bus from Jessore to Dhaka.
The day will go well in the kingdom of flowers.
Happy traveling.


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