Assam-Tripura rail travel.

One thing that surprised me very much was that I have never heard or written anything about the existence of such a wonderful railway between Assam and Tripura. And I haven’t seen or seen any publicity about this strangely beautiful, mind-blowing fascinating path. I found the matter very, very strange, and I wondered why it happened.



There are various publicity campaigns for railways in India, such as Siliguri to Darjeeling, Kalka to Shimla, Ooty to Mettopellam, Mumbai to Pune, Srinagar to Banihal, Kanyakumari to Chennai, Kanyakumari to Rameshwaram, Bhubaneswar to Bahrampur and many more. The unparalleled natural beauty of the side, the greenery, the variety of the eye-catching world. Nowhere in this part of the world have I seen such a thing as being so wonderful, so wonderful, so strange, so extraordinary.
But I have never seen him say or write anything about this strangely beautiful railway or the variety of forms of this path, it has made me think very much. It is even more astonishing that I have already experienced, enjoyed, enjoyed, and enjoyed the train travel experience on several other mentioned railways in India before enjoying the incredible pleasure of traveling on this route.




The reason why this route is so similar to other routes is that in some cases it is much more captivating, wonderful, and full of strange natural beauty than many other routes. But I have never known, heard, or seen any publicity about this road before. But what is not on both sides of this railway? Mountains, deep forests, rivers, green streams, mountain streams, tunnels piercing huge mountains, the darkness of creepy forests, the shadow of blue mountains nearby, the strange call of the mountain range, what is there? But even then I did not find or hear anything about this path anywhere. And the railway stations in the middle of this road, those? Each station is like a heavenly address! Each station is a place to be overwhelmed with joy.



I did not go from Agartala to Assam or Silchar. I went about halfway, from Panisagar to Agartala. That is why I am so fascinated that it is not at all like saying or writing. Covered with dense green forest all around, each railway station is painted in a variety of colors. Jhakjhake, Taktake and the mountain breeze in the wind makes life crazy. One such station is so nice that you can easily camp at any of these stations.



Some of the stations have gone deep into the forest and reached the end of its platform. Some of the stations are adjacent to the villages of the indigenous people. Some stations have almost entered the end of the huge tunnel. Sometimes you have to be thrilled with a strange shiver. Another special feature of the stations on this route is that they are sitting in the tribal market only when the train arrives and arrives. You can buy a variety of vegetables, fruits and many other daily necessities at very low prices.



And when the train takes a turn on this path, it seems as if the train has lost its way and is entering the deep forest. Sometimes it is scary, this train got lost in the forest! This path is so deep, so dense and so forest-covered. Almost all the way looking at the dense green forest outside, looking at the nearby mountains, the breeze blowing through the mountains and forests, various curves, tunnels, reservoirs, to be thrilled, maybe you can get the intoxicating smell of smoked hot coffee.



Which will take your consciousness to a different world, in your mind, in such a deep forest, on the way of the creepy train, in the light-based you have probably lost yourself in a little luxurious dream, a little illusory thought. Where will the intoxicating smell of coffee come from? But no, you were looking with fascinated eyes, in the middle of the strangely beautiful mountains, forest and green. Your mind was stuck between the wonderful nature of the two sides. So no one noticed, someone, picked up a huge kettle or flux of hot coffee from a hill station. He is selling that coffee in the train compartment on foot. Sambit wanted to get back a cup of hot, smoked, hot coffee with the smell of wine.
Ah, what could be the feeling of that time, how could it be? How overwhelmed one can be at such a time. For those who love, the mountains, the forests, the thick black clouds, the audible stream, the darkness, the squeaking sound of the train, the magical sway of the rushing train, the breeze blowing through the open windows, a couple of drops of an audible stream and the luxury of touching the lips with hot coffee.
I do not know All I know is that with all these supernatural things at once, I was fascinated, I was staring, I was enjoying the outside nature with fascinated eyes, I was swaying in the swing of the train, I was holding a cup of hot coffee in my hand from the window of the train…



The environment is like our family, so let’s keep the paintings as clean as our own family.


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