Camping on the beach.

On the 16th of November, I camped in Nilachal amidst strong winds and torrential rains. We had to pick up the motorbikes just above Nilachal on the rain-soaked road. Even then, the amazement of camping seemed to make me forget the hassle of driving about three hundred and fifty km from Dhaka in the rain.





The next day’s (17.11.2018) campsite was more interesting … more adorable. The beach in Cox’s Bazar has always been very appealing to me. As if calling all the time with handshakes … So to make the long-cherished wish come true, we, 18 motorcyclists, set sail from Nilachal very early in the morning and set off for Shamlapur Beach. In fact, the purpose of camping is to enjoy nature intensively. So solitude is the 1st condition. This beach in Shamlapur is very secluded from there. On the other hand, even though it is secluded, the beach seems completely safe to me. With the market adjacent to MarineDrive. Police check post with market. A little further, another check post of BGB. As a result, it is much safer. The Rohingya camp is also far away. No problem with food. There is a small hotel on the beach if you don’t want to do anything on your own after a day’s journey. If you can reach them before evening, they will make arrangements if you tell them. As a result, you will get the opportunity to have dinner while sitting on the beach. There is also a washroom. If you tell them, they will give you the key. Besides, there are two tube wells, you can take a bath if you want. If you want to pray, there is a mosque nearby.









This Shamlapur beach is located in Baharchhara Union, about 50 km from Cox’s Bazar by Marine Drive. You will not see any people except some fishing boats and fishermen … you will get a touch of green in Zhaoban. You are sure to enjoy 16 anai in the solitary nature surrounded by Zhaoban in front of the waves of the sea. How many people are there in Cox’s Bazar, Himchhari or Inani … Haihallor. He has nothing here … only you and the sea. Believe me … there is no one else among you … no hawker like Bersik will come to distract you … the scene of pulling fishing boats in the fall … The roar of the sea and its blue waters …. Byss, now get lost 🙂





** Rent a moon car or three wheeler from Kalatali to Shamlapur. It may take an hour to go 50 km.


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