Chandpur trip.

Chandpur district, famous as the home of Hilsa, is located in the Chittagong division of southeastern Bangladesh. On December 22, 2016, 6 of us went on a one-day trip to this small, peaceful district town. I will share his story with you this time.



Many launches left Dhaka Sadarghat for Chandpur after 8:30 am. Enaf whenever he gets up. We set off at 7.35 am on the Bogdadia 8 launch. Deck rent is 100 rupees. There are also seating arrangements. You can sit in the seat for 150-220 TK. There are also cabin arrangements. I am sorry that I have not been able to provide any information about that. It will take 3 to 3 and a half hours. Make a leisurely journey while enjoying the magnificent view of the river.





You will get the return launch from 2.30 pm. We left for Dhaka at 3.40 pm on the launch of Sonar Tari. The rent is the same. But the river in the afternoon will give you another level of peace of mind. I guarantee.

Get off at the launch dock and take the car waiting outside to a place called Big Station. Rent per head will be 10 rupees. You can walk if you want. It will take a maximum of 10 minutes. Quiet, quiet, relaxed environment. You may like it.






When you reach #bara_station, you will see “District Branding Tourist Center”. Under construction. If you expect too much, you will make a mistake. Looks like any very ordinary park in our Dhaka city. But the interesting thing is the banks of the river Meghna. There are several jhalamuri shops. You can try jhalmuri made by a person named Alaol. Exceptional test. Price 10 rupees. And you can walk around the Meghna river. You can reserve a boat for up to an hour.

Famous and notorious for various launch accidents
#Padma_Meghna_Dakatiya_Nadir_Mohana After the estuary, a huge char area on the banks of the river will take you around. The rent will be 400 – 500 TK. Now the river is calm. So you can comfortably stay by boat on that famous and infamous estuary. Then you will come back to the boat dock of the tourist center. And get out of there.

When you leave the tourist center, you will find food hotel. Hilsa is now selling at TK 120 per piece. If you want to buy hilsa yourself and cook it at the hotel, you have to go out of the tourist center and go to the railway station on the right hand side. Fish market on the banks of the railway line. Buy at a bargain price. We bought a fairly large hilsa for 450 rupees. And the piece was made at 8 o’clock. Read out after eating. Destination One Minute Ice Cream.





It will cost 5 rupees per car to go to a place called Kalibari. If you go down there and ask anyone, they will show you where the famous One Minute Ice Cream Shop is. Eat in a plastic glass. Price 40 rupees. There is really nothing to be too excited about the taste. Tastes like childhood pipe ice cream. You may like it.

Busy. And there is nothing to see. Now come to the launch dock with a light twist. Watch and read at the launch. Come to Dhaka to enjoy the afternoon on the river.

Happy traveling


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