Darjeeling and Mirik West Bengal Travel Sessions.

Darjeeling is located in the Indian state of West Bengal. Darjeeling is located in the Mahabharata range of the lower Himalayas at an altitude of 7,100 feet above the ground. Although under the administrative control of the state of West Bengal, the local administration of Darjeeling, the main town of Darjeeling district, has the power of partial autonomy. Darjeeling is famous for the unique beauty of Kanchenjunga and the breathtaking sunrise of Tiger Hill.

How to get there: –

From Dhaka you can go to Darjeeling via Burimari / Phulbari port. From Burimari port to Siliguri 72.9 km. And from Phulbari port to Siliguri. You can go to Siliguri by bus / train. Darjeeling is 63 km from Siliguri.

Everything to see in Darjeeling: –

1) Tiger Hill
2) Rock Garden
3) Batasia loop
4) Sleep Monastery
5) Sleep station
6) Tenzing Rock
6) Naidu Zoo
6) Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
9) Darjeeling’s tea garden
10) Only car ride
11) Mall Road








Tiger Hill: –

Tiger Hill (2,590 m) is located in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal. Tiger Hill is the highest point on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. It offers a detailed view of Mount Everest and Mount Kanchenjunga.

Tiger Hill is located 11 km from Darjeeling city. You can also reach here by jeep from Darjeeling. Again, it can be reached by walking through the crossroads, Alubari or Jorbangla, then by climbing the hilly path.

The peaks of Kanchenjunga are illuminated before the sun can be seen at low altitudes at sunrise. Mount Makalu (6461 m) seems to be higher than Mount Everest (848 m) from Tiger Hill due to the curvature of the earth’s surface. The distance from Tiger Hill to Mount Everest is 162 km in a straight line.

If the sky is clear, the city of Karshiang in the south and the Teesta River, Mahananda River, Balason River and Mechi River in the far south can be seen in a spiraling path. The mountain is located 135 km from Tiger Hill. The Sanchal Wildlife Sanctuary is located near Tiger Hill.







Sleeping station: –

This railway line extends to Siliguri along the hilly path of Darjeeling. The agency that operates this train is the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Authority. This road was built between 179 and 181. Its length is 6 kilometers. The height of the road is 328 feet in Siliguri. And 6405 feet in Darjeeling. It is the highest railway in India. Shimla is in the second place. There are two types of trains. A steam powered. Another is diesel powered.

A man named Franklin Prestige proposed a steam-powered train line between Siliguri and Darjeeling. Speaking of the British period. The then Governor of Bengal was Sir Ashley Eden. Probably Eden College in Dhaka is named after him. He agreed to the proposal. In 18, the two cities were connected by rail through the Kolkata-Siliguri standard line. Work on the Siliguri-Darjeeling Narrow Gauge began shortly after Franklin’s proposal the following year. The construction was done by Gilanders Arbertnot & Company. The Siliguri-Karshiang section was launched on 23 August 180.






During the Second World War, supplies were supplied to several army camps in Darjeeling and Ghum using this railway.

The road was closed for 18 months due to the Gorkhaland movement in 1968-69. In 1999, UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site. Earlier, only the Austrian Semarang Railway was declared a World Heritage Site in 1997. From there Darjeeling or Ghum is second.

Batasia Loop: –

The specialty of this loop is that it is located at the top of a hill. Much like a plateau. Gradually balanced slope from top to bottom. Kanchenjunga can also be seen from here. Of course the sky is clear.

Surrounding the central minaret or pillar is a courtyard paved with white stone. There are also some tents to protect from the rain or to rest. Seen from a distance, it looks like the whole courtyard is tilted. The main attraction of getting on the Troy train is to cross the Batasia loop by pressing it.

Batasia Loop and Sleep Railway Station are now part of the UNESCO World Heritage.






Tenzing Rock: –

Tenzing Norgay conquered Everest in 1953. Tenzing Rock was founded in 1954. It is a natural rock. It is known that Tenzing practiced in Norgay before conquering Everest. He founded it the following year to inspire everyone to climb.

When Jawaharlal Nehru visited Darjeeling at that time, Tenzing climbed the cliff without any safety equipment. Tanjing Norgay also became the first director of the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling. The rock is still used for mountaineering and training for Indian troops.

History of Darjeeling: –

The history of Darjeeling is particularly intertwined with the history of Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan and British India. Until the first half of the nineteenth century, the hill country adjoining Darjeeling was ruled by the state of Sikkim and the Terai plain adjacent to Siliguri was ruled by the state of Nepal. In the early nineteenth century, the Nepalese were able to push the Sikkim army to the banks of the river Teesta. At this time, the British were reluctant to stop the Nepalese victory march on the entire northern border







The battle was fought. The Gurkhas were defeated in the Anglo-Gurkha war of 1814 and signed the Sagauli Treaty the following year. The treaty forced the Nepalese to surrender all territories from the state of Sikkim to the occupied Mechi River to the Teesta River to the British East India Company. By signing the Treaty of Titalia in 1817, the British East India Company returned the territory to Chos-Rgal and secured the sovereignty of the state of Sikkim.

The treaty, written in Lepcha and Hindustani in 1835, resulted in the lease of the Darjeeling area to the British East India Company.

In 1828, a British East India Company delegation was stationed at Darjeeling on the Nepal-Sikkim border when they decided to build a health center at the British Army. When Campbell arrested an officer of the company and Joseph Dalton Hooker, a botanist and explorer, the company sent troops to free them, and by 1850, the company had occupied an area of ​​640 square miles. When Bhutan and the British signed the Treaty of Cinchula in 164 AD, the British Raj gained control of Kalimpong and the mountain passes. By 18 AD, Darjeeling district was formed with an area of ​​1,234 square miles, which is now the same size.

Darjeeling developed into a hill town and health center when British officials began to live in the pleasant climate of the plains to escape the scorching heat of the plains in the summer. As a result of their efforts, the population of Darjeeling increased hundreds of times when farming and trade began on the slopes of the hills between 1835 and 1849. The first road connecting the plains was built between 1839 and 1842. After the commercial cultivation of tea began in 1857, a number of British tea makers settled in the area. In 184, the city of Darjeeling was officially declared the summer capital of the Bengal Presidency. Scottish missionaries established schools for the British. With the introduction of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway in 181 AD, the development of the city increased at a faster rate.






At the beginning of the British rule, Darjeeling was considered an economically underdeveloped district, due to which the laws applicable to other districts of British India were not enforced in this region. The region was declared a backward region in 1919. The non-cooperation movement spread to the tea gardens in the Darjeeling region during the Indian independence movement. In 1934, armed revolutionaries tried to assassinate Sir John Anderson, the Governor of Bengal, and organized the workers in the 1940s. He started a nationalist movement against the British Raj.

After the independence of India in 1947, Darjeeling, Karshiang, Kalimpong and parts of the Terai region were annexed to the state of West Bengal. Although Nepalis were the main population in the hills, the partition of India in the Terai plains led to the influx of large numbers of Bengali refugees from East Pakistan. In response to the demands of the Nepalese government, the indifferent attitude of the West Bengal government led to the demand for autonomy of Darjeeling and recognition of the Nepali language in the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century.

With the emergence of a new state called Sikkim in 1975 and the indifference of the Indian government to the recognition of Nepali as an institutional language under the Indian Constitution, a massive and violent movement began in the eighties of the twentieth century to create a new state called Gorkhaland. The signing of an agreement between the National Liberation Front and the government resulted in the formation of an elected delegation called the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, which is vested with the administrative autonomy of the district. The strike resumed in 2008-09 when the Government of India and the Government of West Bengal refused to accede to the demands of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha for a separate state. Administrative responsibilities of this district were given by forming hill councils.



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