Detailed information on how to get to Sandakan Falut.

The Banglabandha route is relatively new and we chose it as it is close to Siliguri. Even though we took some money at the port, the people on both sides used it well. After entering India, we took an auto from Majumdar Money Exchange for Rs. I rented a jeep and left for Darjeeling. Note that the broker had to pay Rs. 500 here. If the broker is avoided in this place, it is possible to rent a jeep for Rs. 1300-1400.
On the way to Darjeeling, our jeep was speeding along the scenic hills. On the way to the city, before reaching the city in the last afternoon, the clear sky was clear in front of us and the youth of Kanchenjunga. We were speechless for a while. People wait for 2-3 days to see its beauty and its beauty is revealed to us before we reach the city. That is the fate. In the evening I rented a room for 6 people for Rs. 1500 just before the Watch Tower, shivering in the chilly winter of Darjeeling. The room was rented for 6 people but it could easily accommodate 2 more people. This is how our first day in Darjeeling was spent.




On the second day, very early, that is, at 4 o’clock, I woke up and left for Tiger Hill. Last night we rented a jeep for 2500 rupees. We wrapped our whole body in winter clothes and set off for Tiger Hill. On the dark road, the driver felt very comfortable. We had to get out of Tiger Hill a little while ago because many cars had left before us. The road was closed to keep the sari. And like everyone else, we walked upstairs. After waiting for a while, the historical Shudra Kanchenjunga of Tiger Hill began to unfold in front of us. Silence fell among hundreds of visitors. Whether Indian, Chinese, Bengali, Bangladeshi, everyone is united in the beauty of Kanchan. Kanchan starts to turn red after white. Seen from a distance, it looks as if someone has lit a fire on the mountain. In fact, the white snow turns red in the reflection of the red tuktuke light of the sunrise. In fact, it is not possible to express this beauty in any writing. We were watching this beautiful scene with one glance. Slowly the sun rose and like all the visitors we also left Tiger Hill. From there I went downstairs to Batashialup. From here we saw the form of Kanchan. For a while we went to the Rock Garden. He found our Khaiyachara waterfall more beautiful than the Kan Kar waterfall. From the Rock Garden we went to a zoo in Darjeeling and a museum with Everest climbers. After walking around for a while, I left the car like that day. And thus the last day of Darjeeling and the second day of our journey.









On the third day I woke up and saw that it was raining. I found out that there was a lot of snowfall in Sandakan. One part of the mind was enchanted but the other part was working with fear. What if I can’t go to Sandakan for the hostility of the weather? Will I go back even if I come so close to my dream ???
Asha and Shankar swayed and rode in the scheduled jeep for the purpose of Manevanjan. Going there, I sat in the main hotel, rented a landlover, rented a cottage, completed the necessary work, paid the rent in advance and left for Sandakpur. Heavy fog, heavy snowfall made it impossible to see the road ahead, but the young driver Mong was very comfortable lifting the landlover on the hilly and rugged road. I will not deny that we were a little scared. 80% of tourists go to Sandakan on foot from Manavanjan. Despite the hostile weather, we have seen a lot of trekkers who can cover 36 km of this road in 3 days. Absolutely inexperienced so I didn’t think of walking. Our car is running on the road between India on one side and Nepal on the other side. Half of the road is fairly good and the other half is a little bad. On the way we met a group of tourists from Dhaka Mirpur. He said that it is minus 10 degrees inside the house and minus 12 degrees outside. To be honest, we were a little scared. Anyway, as we continued to move forward, we saw a lot of tourists walking on the side of the road. At Sandakfur, 6 km ago, at Kala Po Khara, we stopped the journey like that day. However, the evening was coming down with heavy fog and snow. I hurried into a rented Nepali cottage and got rid of the cold wind that was piercing me like an arrow.









The cottage we were staying at in Kalafokhri was called KB Hotel. In the heavy snow and strong winds, we went to the walled room of KB Hotel and ordered food. What a hot rice, egg curry, vegetables and hot pulses. After eating, I took shelter under 6 blankets including three pants, five sweaters, hand socks and foot socks, ear cap and muffler.
Still, it was as if we were shivering in the winter. I know that this description of winter may seem extravagant to many, but the reality was a little different then. After resting for a couple of hours, we decided to go out and explore the area. The snow has stopped, p

The moon is shining brightly like a silver plate in the sky. It is as if a new beauty of the mountain has been revealed to us. What a wonderful ,,,,, what a wonderful ,,,,,
That’s when I remembered the joy of being pregnant, just like the joy of Josna’s day when Anand was shot dead by the police on a hill in Kalafokhri. I was wandering in a strange world between fantasy and reality. He tried to keep the whole of Bengal as one. If the spirit of 1908 had worked among them, then maybe we would have had this beautiful green land. The hills of our hilly region are very childish compared to them. In fact, no matter how much we dislike politics, politics At the call of friends, I came back to reality from Ghorlaga. By that time, the cold has reached a tolerable level. I came to the room and fell asleep like that day.

The next morning I drove to Sandakpur. I couldn’t go very far because of the snow on the road. We left on foot. We are the people of a temperate country, we have only read about snow and snow in drama movies and books. I see that everything feels good. I will not say that it was not difficult to walk, but fatigue could not overwhelm us with such a beautiful beauty. I know it’s impossible for me to describe its beauty. All I can say is that these eyes have only seen something beautiful and beautiful so far. The weather in Sandakpur is a little better today than in the last two days. And that is why we were able to stay in Sandakafu for one day. The cold also helped us to cope with it. At night Taravara Sandakfur looked at the sky and thought that if Mr. Nehru had accepted Plan ABC, or if this division had not been tied, it would have been better. I know that today after so many years It is not possible for me to comprehend, but as a student of political science, these histories kept rocking me over and over again. In Sandakanfu, the border between India and Nepal seemed completely innocent.
Anyway, with the pain of not being able to go to Falut and the pain of leaving Sandakanfu, we reached Siliguri the next day and returned to our beloved homeland with Bangla Bandha from one night.


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