How to go to Birishiri and expenses.

For the welfare of Humayun Ahmed, Netrokona, Susang Durgapur and Someshwari rivers are very familiar to his fans. We all know more or less about Somaswari river or Birishiri in our imagination or by looking at different posts. But in reality, it is much more beautiful than imagined. The Someshwari River, surrounded by the Garo Hills of Meghalaya, will captivate you. Those who have visited Jaflong will find many similarities with it even though there are no stones here. From Zero Point, you will be immersed in the beauty of Someshwari surrounded by the blue hills of Meghalaya and you will think it is such a wonderful place but there is no publicity for it !!!




What did I see?
I went on a day trip with my wife and kids. We have taken boat trips on porcelain hills, two lakes of green and blue water, BGB Bazaar, Hajong Mata Rashi Moni Memorial, Orange Garden, Soumshwari River. There were some more spots, but I could not go to those places due to lack of time.
First, we went to see the porcelain hills and green water lakes. Chinese earthen hills and green water lakes are two wonderful beauties. You will get tired of walking and you will be charmed by the beauty. It is better to take a guide (a small child). He will visit the site with little effort. Otherwise, you will lose energy by walking randomly on hilly roads.
Then I went to the BDR camp. The door of beauty waiting there. Excellent river ghats (made by BGB, for bathing them), ghats have big engine-driven boats and small dinghy boats. We bought a dinghy because the engine didn’t sound good. The boatman will take you to Zero Point. In front is Meghalaya surrounded by blue hills, beautiful jungles on both sides, tribal settlements. Much like Kaptai Lake, but the width of the river is much higher. And the beauty of the mountains of Meghalaya is amazing. Sadly, this beauty cannot be captured on camera. Zero-point cannot be forgotten even with BSF camp.



After the boat trip, I went to the orange orchard. Long ago there were orange orchards, now there are no orange trees, there are palm trees. The hill is of medium height but I like it. Although the naming is confusing. There were some more spots but not seen in time.



How to go:


We go to Trishal in Mymensingh from Dhaka by ENA bus. I was there one night. The next morning I reserved a CNG-powered autorickshaw for the whole day (Trishal to Durgapur (up-down), fare TK. 2500). The journey was extraordinary. 99% of those who have read Birishiri’s description in various posts have spoken about the dilapidated condition of the road. Fortunately, the road is very good now. Excellent road to Birishiri (about 160 km) via Mymensingh after Gazipur crossroads. You will never know when you will see the wide green on both sides. Without comparing it to a mountain road, the question may arise as to when you last enjoyed the beauty of such a plain. Only those who drive themselves can travel this road.
From Dhaka, you will go to Durgapur by bus, train, private car. Someshwari rivers will be crossed from the ferry ghat. From the other side, you can rent an auto, battery-powered rickshaw, or bike to visit all the spots and enjoy the beauty (it will take approximately 3 hours). There are several small hotels along the way. Due to the low number of tourists, the hotels are not of good quality. However, the food we ate at the hotel was very good.



How much does it cost:



Dhaka to Mymensingh (bus/train): 150-250
Mymensingh to Rudugapur (Bus / Train / CNG): 100-300
Dhaka to Rudugapur (bus/train): 300-500
Ferry neighborhood: 05
Reserved Auto Rickshaw (03 seats): 300-500 all spots
Reserve Auto (08 Seats): 800-1000 All Spots
Boats: 50 rupees (1 spot), 100 rupees (2 spots) (per person)
Lunch: 100-200 TK.



Do not descend into lakes or rivers. There is a record of many accidents in the past. Although the traffic on Mymensingh-Birishiri road is relatively low, there are a lot of trucks, so drive carefully. If you are unlucky, you can often get caught in a traffic jam due to the truck. Many passengers and motorcycles will board the boat during the ferry ride. There is nothing to fear, this is the system of that place. Respect the locals and tribals. Do not throw polythene, water bottles, food packets anywhere. The beauty of nature will protect your alertness.

Finally, those who are planning a one day tour will definitely go. It will be good from the beginning to the end of the journey.


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