Ideas about the cost of the Gomukh expedition.

Today’s story is about how much money I have spent or spent on the Gomukh campaign alone. After writing 40+ long series of stories, many people have occasionally asked the question, how much has this campaign cost or will it cost? Although I tried to write about the cost of each episode, many people are curious about the cost, so today’s article is only about the cost of money for this campaign.





My luck in this expedition was very good in terms of money and all kinds of vehicles, while the vehicle that was needed was great at that time I got that vehicle without much effort and money. Moreover, the environment of all the vehicles was very nice and very mind blowing. All in all, I was very happy with the cost of this campaign. This time, however, let’s open the account of direct expenditure.






My budget for this campaign was 22,000 rupees. Yes money, not rupee. I didn’t spend the whole of that budget anymore. Although I have come by air from Kolkata to Delhi and from Delhi to Kolkata to save time and reduce hassle. Because I didn’t have much idea about the route, I had no experience going this way before. All in all, I flew from Kolkata to Delhi and from Delhi to Kolkata Air, so that there would be no shortage of time as the next destination from Dehradun.






First of all, Bhagya looked up while getting an air ticket. Because only a month ago when I went to buy an air ticket, I was able to buy a return ticket for 7500 rupees (Kolkata-Delhi-Kolkata). I booked the Nanda Devi Express from Delhi to Dehradun at midnight but with a completely different experience for 1100 rupees. And the train ticket from Dehradun to Delhi was 1000 rupees. It is better to say here that I have paid all the money for the convenience of calculation. However, if you calculate retail, the actual cost will be less.

I booked two buses from Dehradun to reach Uttarkashi via Mushauri at 100 rupees and 120 rupees. Gangotri’s jeep fare from Uttarkashi was 265 rupees. Room rent in Gangotri was 480 rupees for a three-person bed. Since I got two more companions in the jeep, it cost 160 rupees per person to stay in one room. A ticket from Gangotri to Gomukh cost Rs. Back in Gangotri, I rented a hotel for 230 rupees per room. This is just the cost of transport from Kolkata to Gangotri. Kolkata-Delhi and Delhi-Kolkata air tickets have been booked here.

Then the cost of returning. The bus fare from Gangotri to Uttarkashi was 150 rupees. A bus ticket from Uttarkashi to Dehradun cost about 200 rupees. It may be less than 20-25 rupees here, because I don’t remember the right rupee. The two-day dormitory rent in Dehradun was 300 rupees. I have already calculated the train ticket from Dehradun to Delhi. After landing in Kolkata, without looking anywhere, go straight from Dumdum to Bangaon by buying a local ticket of 20 rupees.

Benapole Border from Bangaon by auto for 35 rupees. After completing the formalities of the border without any money, he was covered in an AC car of 900 rupees. On the way from Dhaka to Jessore on the Chitra Express train ticket of 500 rupees. Benapole with 50 rupees bus fare from Jessore. From Benapole to Bangaon at 35 rupees, from Bangaon to Dumdum station with 20 rupees. This is the cost of all the vehicles of the Gomukh expedition.

All in all, the cost of the vehicle is not a little. 7500 Air (Kolkata-Delhi-Kolkata) + 1100 (Delhi-Dehradun Train) +1000 (Dehradun Delhi Train) + 220 (Dehradun-Uttarkashi Bus) + 275 (Uttarkashi-Gangotri Jeep) + 160 + 500 + 230 (Hotel Gango) Bhujbasa) +650 (Entry Fee) 150 (Gangotri to Uttarkashi Bus) + 200 (Uttarkashi to Dehradun Bus) + 300 (Dehradun Dormitory) + 1000 (Dehradun Delhi Train) 1500 (Dhaka-Kolkata-Dhaka Bus / Train) Total = 13 , 65 / –

Now the cost of food.

KFC Rice Menu at Kolkata Airport at Rs 15 in Bangaon, Kebab Tandoori at Rs 150 in Old Delhi, Cake and Tea at Mussoorie at Rs 20, Chapati-Coconut at Uttarkashi, Chapati-Jilapi at 25 Gangotri, Aluprata at 40 in the morning, 50 Chirbas in the morning Bhubasar Dinner, 100 Bhujbasar Tea-Water, 30 Taka Gangotri Noodles, 35 Uttarkashi Bread-Eggs-Tea-Banana, 50 Dehradun Biryani Dinner, 35 Apple-Ice Cream, 20 Dehradun Breakfast, 20 Going to Forest Institute, 20 Taka Returning , 35 Taka Singara, Drinks, 150 Noon Mutton-Nan, Last Afternoon I had a full meal and no more to eat at night. Breakfast at 25 Dehradun, 20 going to Rajpur from Dehradun, 20 eating sweets at Rajpur.

I didn’t eat in Dehradun at noon, I said I would give food on the train in the afternoon. And not to spend the night separately by saving the dinner that day with the food provided by the train. Returning from Delhi to Kolkata in the morning, going to Bangaon by train, crossing the border and eating rice and fish for 100 rupees. And yes apples, chocolates and dried food were bought for around Rs 250 for the whole expedition. This is the total cost of food. So now let’s calculate how much it costs to eat. The total cost of food is Rs. 1545 / -. And in Delhi I rented Metro-CNG for 250 rupees. 550 / – for travel tax and port charges

Then 13,75 + 1545 + 250 + 550 = 16,230 / – rupees. I saved a lot of money more than the budget, so I bought a Titan watch for many days and got a 40% discount with 4500 rupees. Because the price of the watch was actually around 9000 rupees!

This is all about the cost of my Gomukh campaign.

 maybe a little wrong somewhere, but it is not more than 100/200 rupees. Titan’s watch was an additional gift or gift!



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