Necessary Drugs for Travelers (ভ্রমণকারীর জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ওষুধ)
***For All
Personal Medicine(eg-Inhaller for Asthma)
Extra 1 Glass(spectacles) those have vision problem
Tab, Napa Extra/Ace plus/Napa Extend
Emergency First Aid such as -1.Savlon Antiseptic Cream, 2.Povisep Ointment, 3.Roll Bandage, 4.Pressure Bandage, 5.Gauze Piece,6.Bandet
ORS(Testy Saline)
***Other Drugs(its better to avoid drugs to Maintain normal body regulatory system)
Pain Killers (any one)after meal-*Tab, Ketorolac 10mg(Trade name-Tab, Rolac 10mg)-*Tab, Aceclofenac(Trade name-Tab, Clof)-*Tab, Denovo(Naproxen+Omeprozole) half hour before meal-*Tab, Diclofen
Anti Ulcerant(must before taking PAINKILLERS) half hour before meal-Cap, Omeprazole(Trade name-Seclo/Loscectil)- 2.Tab, Ranitid/Neoceptin**if u forget to take these drugs before meal then take *Tab, Antacid plus/Marlox plus
- Muscle Relaxant-Tab, Perilax/Myolax
- Drug for Cold-Tab Deslor, Fenadin, M-lucas(Montelukast) very effective
- Stomach Metro/Filmet, 2.if nocure then Tab Neofloxin(Ciprofloxacin)
- Cough Expectorant -Drop, Mucosol
- Nasal Obstruction- Nasal Drop, Antazol
- Sedatives(if severly affected Sleep) Tab Zolium0.5mg/Epitra0.5mg
- Local skin infection or abrasion- Nebanol Powder
- Local Pain Reliever- Moov+ Vicks/Tiger balm
- Antivomitting-Tab Don A before meal
- severe stomach pain- Tab, Veralgin/Algin
- Airway Dilator-Tab, Azmasol 2/Salbutamol
- Control Heart Rate-Tab, propranol 10mg/Indever 10mg
- Antimalarial Prophylaxis
Cap.doxycycline 100 mg(Trade name-Doxycap or Doxy-A)
1 tab daily for 4 weeks,starting from 1 days before going to endemic zone of malaria(plz see previous Docs)