Some of the essential information to travel Sikkim for low cost travel Piyasis.

Low-cost travel Piyasis all have a latent desire to travel to Sikkim. I had been dreaming of going to Sikkim for a few days now, but it was not possible due to various complications in entering Sikkim legally. On November 21, 2016, when the Indian government lifted the ban on Bangladeshis traveling to Sikkim, many travel-hungry people gathered at the Indian High Commission in Jamuna Future Park. But many like us have suffered due to lack of adequate information and clear instructions on the website of the Indian High Commission. No one was allowed, it took a long time to get someone’s passport delivered. No one knew if the permission form had to be submitted with the Indian visa application or if it had to be submitted later. The issue of going to Sikkim has become complicated due to various problems. We have also experienced a number of things that we have shared with you so that you do not have to suffer in any way.





First Tip: If you do not have a visa, you can refer to either Changrabandha or Phulbaria port for a new visa. However, I would like to say that it takes about one third of the time to go from Changrabandha to Siliguri via Phulbaria and the cost is also less. So Phulbaria is preferable.

Second suggestion: There is no need to take permission to visit Sikkim from the Indian High Commission at Jamuna Future Park. Because it will waste your money (300 rupees) and a lot of time. If you wish, you can take the Inner Line Permit directly at Silliguri, Sikkim Nationalized Transport or at the Rangpo check post on the way in. This will not waste any extra money or time. Only 2 copies of photo, passport and 2 photocopies of visa will be required for permission. In 20 minutes you will get the Inner Line Permit. Which you have to keep up with very carefully throughout the entire travel time. And when you come back, you must inform the Rangpo check post that you are leaving Sikkim. Otherwise you may be blacklisted in their records, and you may leave a bad impression about other Bangladeshi tourists.
The phone number of Rangpo Foreigner Information Center is:
+91 3592 209 090
It is open from 8 am to 8 pm. However, arriving by 6 pm is risk-free.






Third tip: Keep at least 10 copies of some traveler’s documents: These are 10 copies of passport size photos, 10 photocopies of passport and visa. Take these from Bangladesh, otherwise you will have to pay about three times the money for each copy in Sikkim. Just go to the Inner Line Permit Gang and get 10 copies.
One important thing to keep in mind is that the Inner Line Permit is only a permission to enter Gangtok, but if you want to go to other tourist spots outside Gangtok, you have to submit at least 2 sets of documents to the tourist office to go to each place. And you can’t do this alone. For this you must take the help of any tour operator approved by the Sikkim government and must take a guide. And for permission at each spot, you have to submit the documents to the tourist office through the tour operator the day before. If you submit the previous day, you will get permission the next day. And in order to get permission, you have to have the number of the car you are going in and the driver’s license, the work that your tour operator will do.






Tip 4: In case of Sikkim tour, it is better to go in a group, this will reduce your car rental and other expenses. It is better if the size of the group is from 4 to maximum 6 people. 4 people can travel in Tata Innova type small car and 6 people can travel in Tata Sumo or Balero SUV. This will reduce the cost. However, since it is a hilly road, it is much safer to travel in a Tata Sumo or Balero SUV than a small car.

Fifth Tip: In case of hotel booking, nowadays we go to various online sites and make bookings. Which actually costs a lot more. These sites will create an artificial crisis and increase hotel prices and make you panic. It is better to take a little time to reach the place from him and see the hotel with your own eyes. We first booked online, canceled it and reached Gangtok to fix the hotel. As a result, our hotel rent was almost halved.

Tour Operator: The hotel where you will stay will offer you a tour package from the hotel. Or you can arrange a tour from an outside tour operator if you want. We first took a tour plan from our hotel which was quite expensive. We don’t have that for any reason.


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