Some places of interest in Chittagong city in one day!

Knowing the exact plan and the proper use of Google Maps can save both time and money. I have visited Patenga Sea Beach before so I went to the old temples, mosques, hills standing in the city, Shaheed Minar.
1. Kaibalyadham Ram Thakur Ashram: It is a very old ashram located at the foot of the hill. The beauty of this ashram located on the top of the hill will surprise anyone. If you go 800 meters from AK Khan junction towards GEC, there is a road on the left-hand side. There is a railway crossing after walking for about ten minutes.



2. War Cemetery: Leaving the ashram, come to the main road, and come to GEC through Laguna. Then walk through Lalkhan Bazar to Chittagong Shilpakala Academy Road. Take this road and go ahead. About 15/20 minutes walk from GEC. War Cemetery will take 25/30 tk in rickshaw. Here are the graves of several soldiers killed in World War II.



___ [Open: 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm]
3. Institute of Fine Arts, University of Chittagong: A 1-minute walk from War Cemetery to the front is “Fine Art Institute”. Of course, you should refrain from making noise inside the institute and visit all the departments with permission. ___ I gave the most time. Jose]



4. Biman Airlines: 30 tk by rickshaw out of fine art. Of course, I came here for shopping from ‘Arang’. ___ [You can visit the shrine of Hazrat Baizid Bostami at this time]
5. Chawkbazar: There is actually a tempo stand a little ahead of Biman Airlines. Chawkbazar will take five to ten rupees. __ Oli Kha Mosque is next to the place where you will take it down. An old mosque with 6 domes.


6. Sirajuddaula in the mosque: Although many people call this mosque Chandanpura Mosque, its name is Sirajuddaula Mosque. But rickshaw pullers can easily recognize it by calling it Chandanpura. It will cost 25 to 30 tk by rickshaw from Ali Kha Mosque to this mosque.



7. Cheragi hills: From Sirajuddaula in the mosque to Cheragi hill rickshaw 25 tk. You will see a beautiful tower on the road east of the hill. And also many flower shops. A place to hang out on the hill, you can sit and rest. You will find tea and phuchka here. ___ [The time at home was 2 pm when the mosque was fenced off from Sirajuddaula. So I had lunch there. ABC Restaurant a little in front of the mosque. The food was good]



8. Buddhist monastery: Buddhist monastery on the side of the road along the Cheragi hills. There are many things to see and learn about Buddhism.
9. Chittagong Central Shaheed Minar: Chittagong Shaheed Minar is about ten minutes’ walk to the left from the Buddhist temple. It is a very beautiful place.



10. Batali Hills: Ten rupees by rickshaw from Shaheed Minar to New Market. From New Market to Laguna, you can go directly to the mouth of Batali hill. If you take a bus, you have to get off at Tigerpass and Batali hill by ten rupees in a rickshaw. Rent: Ten rupees from New Market to Laguna / five tk by bus.



__ [From this hill you can see a part of Chittagong city. You have to climb many steps to climb the hill, so you must be careful. There is a beautiful place to sit on the top of the hill. Use the road instead of the stairs when going down. The road is very winding, completely Darjeeling style.
Total cost-


Food: 210 tk Bus-Rickshaw-Laguna: 200 (approx.) Don’t throw rubbish anywhere. I refrain from offensive behavior in religious places. I am careful about wearing shoes in religious places and Shaheed Minar (i.e. I will not wear shoes in places where it is forbidden).





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