Sonangpedeng village of clear water.

Want to visit Meghalaya, India but can’t get a big vacation from the office or have a million-star fair in the sky, homeless camping on a hilly river night on a chilly winter night with a campfire, or jogging or snorkeling / kayaking/boating on a clear rocky river? For you In just two days, you can visit Sonagpedeng, a clear water village in Meghalaya.


Sonampedeng is a hill station in Jaintia Hills district in the Indian state of Meghalaya. The village is located just 5 km from the Tamabil border in Bangladesh and 95 km from Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. The main attraction of Sonangpedeng’s beauty is the rocky river “Umangat” flowing through the village.
This river enters Bangladesh through the Jaflong border as the Goain River. Note that the famous tourist center of Sylhet, Jaflong is located at the entrance of this river in Bangladesh. So let’s turn to the clear water village “Sonangpedeng”



5 am Kadamtali bus stand in Sylhet. Although there was no winter in Dhaka, I could understand the winter in Sylhet. After getting off the bus and having breakfast, I reached the Tamabil land port by 9 am. There is no crowd at the port. But this is where the disaster happened. Travel tax can no longer be paid at the port. Travel tax has to be paid at Jaintapur. What else to do? Bake again, come to Jaintapur, pay the travel tax, and come back to the port. The time on the clock is 10.30 minutes.



No crowd, in a very short time I entered the Indian side after completing the immigration on the Bangladesh side and after completing the Indian immigration I reserved a four-seater car from the jeep stand in front of the immigration building. Our first destination is Kransuri Falls. The car will take us to Dauki Bazaar, turn around Kransuri Falls, and drop us off at Sonangpedeng in the evening. Rent Rs. We do not collect SIMs and Rupees from Dauki Bazaar. Although our main goal is to campaign in Sonangpedeng, seeing Kransuri Falls is an added benefit of the tour.


Every time you visit Sylhet, you can see the Meghalaya hills. Today, on the contrary, the car is running over the Meghalaya hills. Sometimes my favorite Bangladesh can be seen under the hill through the car window. Fascinated by the beauty of the road leading to Dauki to Kransuri Falls, I had a hard time suppressing the urge to park at every turn and take pictures. Within an hour we reached Krangsuri.
I got out of the car and entered the restaurant first because I hadn’t had lunch yet. Lots of hungry, so I want to fill the stomach first.




At the end of the stomach filling, I started to go down the stairs made in the chest of the hill After a short descent, Krangsuri Falls is a sight to behold. The surface of the falls looks a lot like a river. In front of which there is a dam. And water is overflowing from that dam. About ten to fifteen minutes down, I found the ticket counter at Kransuri Falls. From here we collect tickets at Rs 50 per person and enter Nilpani’s Jharnakunda Krangsuri Falls.



The youth of the spring that blossomed in the rainy season is no more. The amount of water is very low but now Krangsuri is sitting with a strange beauty. Clearwater like glass, it seemed Garo blue from above I have never seen such a clear and blue color of the fountain before. Seeing the beauty of the fountain, the thought of jumping into the clear water had to be dropped from my head as soon as I stepped into the water. Terrible kind of cold water. Only Akib Bhai showed the courage to jump into the water this afternoon.
Although what happened after rising from the water is history. If you want to get into this water, you have to rent a life jacket for 30 rupees. No one is allowed to enter the water without a life jacket. If you want you can go boating in a red boat in the blue water on the side of the dam at the top of the fountain. We were so fascinated by the beauty of the fountain that we did not want to go there.



Freezing cold air 6 In the evening, nature has swallowed the reservoir of night. At that time we reached Sonangpedeng. Upon entering Sonampedeng, you have to pay Rs 30 per car ticket from “Sonampedeng Defense Party”.



The main attraction of our tour this time is the turn of the tent bus on the banks of the Umangat River in Sonangpedeng. I quickly rented a tent. We didn’t have to leave the tent, they left it from those we rented. Tents for two sizes cost 700 rupees and tents for 3 people 1000 rupees. You can also stay in the cottage if you want. However, in my opinion, the campaign in Sonangpedeng is the best. I order dinner at the hotel on the campsite. The food will be sent to the tent. You can come and eat at the hotel if you want.



Our tents were pitched on the sand by the river. Extremely cold wind, I sat on the rocks in front of the tent, there is no strange moon in the sky but millions of stars were shining. And the huge mountain on the other side of the river in front of it looked like a big screen. There are many tents around our tent. Campfires were burning in front of several tents. Even though the night was swallowed up by the clearness of the river water, the light of the campfire and the wonderful music of the rocky river water-rock were mixing. When I woke up, it was 8 o’clock in the morning. Extreme cold outside. I let go of my laziness and left the tent because I had not seen Sonangpeding yet in the light of day. Next to the campaign zone, there are bathrooms and refreshments for tourists. Freshened up, we had breakfast and first went to the Suspense Bridge. The car is blue to see the clear water of the river from the top to the bottom of the bridge. Every stone could be seen under the water. With every click of the camera, the color of the water was captured.



The boats looked like they were floating on clear glass. The Suspense Bridge is the best place to enjoy the beauty of Sonangpedeng. Terribly cold water. But it is not possible to control the temptation to jump into the water. So waiting for the heat in the sun to rise a little. The sun in the middle of the sky. I rented a life jacket for 50 rupees and went down to the bone-chilling cold water (life jacket is compulsory).



I didn’t realize when it was 2 hours. Although we have to return to the country today. Of course, this is not a problem because the port is open till 5 pm (Indian time). So keep on jumping and relaxing after overcoming the cold. 3 p.m.
After saying goodbye to Sonampedeng, I reserved a car and drove to Dauki Bazar (Sonampedeng to Dauki Bazar has local cars). You can go directly to the port from Sonampedeng if you want.




And if you want to do light shopping like us, come to Dauki Bazaar. Dauki is a very small market. Not too much. So he said goodbye to Meghalaya after some shopping and left for the country.
Do not throw anything indigestible in river or spring water. Refrain from activities that harm the environment.




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