You can Visit many places in one day

Traveling in one day. .   Many people want to know about traveling in one day. You can go to many places in one day. Places Like Narayanganj, Comilla, Sonargaon, Narsingdi, Gazipur, Mawa Ghat, Padma Resort, Manikganj Zamindar Bari, Golap village. Many people suggested traveling far to Sylhet, Srimangal, Chittagong, Mymensingh, Rajshahi.

Panam Nagar, Sonargaon.

Panam Nagar is a traditional ancient city located in Sonargaon of Narayanganj district. Big City, Khas Nagar, Panam Nagar - Panama was the most interesting of these three cities of ancient Sonargaon. There are many buildings here which are several centuries old, which are related to the history of the Bar Bhuiyans