Tour of Vietnam Travel.

It was already 2 o’clock in the morning when I boarded a Cebu Pacific Airlines flight from Manila at 11pm on January 17 and arrived in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, after a three-and-a-half hour plane journey. The travel permit document was already there but the rule is to fill in the form and submit your passport and stand for a while to get the stamp visa. Visa fee is 25 USD for Bangladeshis. I was a little confused when I went to redeem the dollars after immigration, although I knew it before! Breaking 100 USD gave me 2302000 Vietnamese style! The next time I reached the hotel with a taxi, I saw that the bill for the meter was around four lakhs, and there was nothing left to do, but the time I was here could be mathematically enriched again by adding and subtracting and multiplying!

I tried to sleep a little at four-thirty at night. After rolling around in bed for 3 / 3.5 hours, I reached the Mizuliam of their national leader Ho Chi Minh at 10 in the morning. I couldn’t go inside, so the regret of not seeing it with my own eyes remained! When you come to see it, you have to leave within 6/7 hours. Then I walked to the Temple of Literature. The Temple of Literature has a long history that you can find out from a single posting on my Facebook page. However, it does have a minimum entrance fee, which is not the case with Ho Chi Minh’s tomb. Walking from Ho Chi Minh’s tomb I saw a strange but traditional landscape of Southeast Asia; It would be a mistake to say thousands, millions of motorbikes seem to have intoxicated the whole city of Hanoi. They don’t seem to like to drive private cars! And they move on the right side of the road, just the opposite of us, so we have often had problems several times. I have seen this in the Philippines. This is actually the effect of colonialism on the transportation system. We just follow what they have left. The roads are much cleaner than in our country. The streets of Manila were also very neat and tidy. However, the streets of Ho Chi Minh seemed cleaner to me than Hanoi. Hanoi is actually a combination of Old and Old. However, tourists usually choose the old city as I did. That’s where the real Vietnam identity comes in handy. Small roads, no more than 2/3 storey buildings, middle and upper middle and lower middle class anagona, their daily food, old heritage, traditional hotels and food ceremonies. On the small streets, old women are ferrying around in different kinds of clothes in a kind of van and the best thing about all the fresh fruit shops on their streets. Everyone is eating these easily available and affordable fruits without formalin, especially the tourists from Europe and America are very happy to hear the price of these! All in all, this Old Hanoi is a reflection of Vietnam’s eternal way of life.






Then we took a Google GPS walk to the Hanoi Wire Wizard. Although it is common from Ho Chi Minh’s Wire Museum, there is much to see here. The entrance fee will be around 500 Bangladeshi Taka. After about 1 hour we went to a traditional restaurant in Vietnam at Alex’s suggestion (introduction to the Temple of Literature that came from California in the US). It was as if he was eating all the strange items. Then I thought, if Alex can, why can’t I? But I confirmed that there was no dog meat in this list at least! You can find the pictures of the food here on my Facebook wall. Then I went to a coffee shop on the shores of the lake to have coffee at his reference. After having coffee, the evening came down and we wandered along the shores of the lake to see various tourist activities! At one point, we entered the famous puppet show in Hanoi at around 8.30 pm. In fact, 80% of the tourists here are foreign tourists, and the main premise of this show is to continuously portray the current social system from the prehistoric social system of Vietnam through dolls. Anyway these places are all located in old Hanoi and can be seen on foot if you have the mentality of walking 6/7 hours daily! Then we had dinner with 4/5 people from different countries who were on the way and we went to their hotel.







The next day, January 20, I ran again in the morning, wiping my eyes. The bus of the tour operators left at 8.40 am and after a journey of 185 kilometers we reached Ha Long Bay. It is located 165 kilometers northwest of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, next to the China border. It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its total area is 1500 square kilometers and the total number of small islands / limestones is over 18000 thousand. The best time to visit here is between February and April and the fog has covered the beauty of the place for a while now. However, there are numerous caves on different islands and it is sometimes an hour to go from one to the other

Or it takes more or less time. There are a number of small and large ships or wooden boats that your tour operators have booked in advance and they will pick you up in front of your hotel in the early hours of the morning. The price of this tour is usually 35/40 USD depending on the 4 hours / 6 hours stay on the bay. You must confirm it one day in advance. Anyway we got off the bus at 12:30 in a small ship and landed a variety of marine fish that was with this package. After that we toured a total of three islands, took a boat trip with a life jacket and as soon as it was evening we got back on the bus and headed for Hanoi. I didn’t want to leave this charming place at all! After a 4 hour bus journey, we returned to Hanoi at around 9.30 pm and returned to the hotel after a light dinner. Without taking a bath, I went out again for the purpose of the night street market in Old Hanoi. When you come to Hanoi, I would definitely suggest you to take a look there because here you can see or buy all kinds of cheap Vietnamese products. However, just before midnight I returned to the hotel and tried to sleep with the preparation for tomorrow morning flight to Ho Chi Minh City.






The next day, January 21, I left Hanoi Airport at 6 am and the Viet Jet plane delayed the flight by 1 hour and arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, the largest and busiest city in Vietnam, at 1 pm on a 2 hour journey. About 30 minutes and about 150,000 to 200,000. It is easily conceivable that it is named after their national leader and that it is located in the south of the country. It is divided into numerous districts like Metro Manila and is one of the largest metropolises in Asia. It seemed to me a very tidy and pre-planned modern city. This western-style metropolis has ample trees and numerous green parks, well-organized trafficking systems, numerous local and continental restaurants for hygienic cuisine, and various categories of accommodation. Not to mention the security. Social security in Vietnam, one of the few communist countries in the world, seems to me to be one of the best in Asia. To be honest, I haven’t seen a single policeman anywhere in my four days. I have seen some members of the security forces in special national positions who are just doing their duty routinely. However, the dominance of motorcycles on the streets here is as evident as in Hanoi. Thousands upon millions of motorcycles. But everyone is obeying the signal. In fact, communism is a state system where the practice of religion is openly forbidden, such as in China, Vietnam, Cuba or North Korea, while in the state system, discipline is taken to the level of religion. Cruel punishment comes when it goes against it. So the overall condition of law and order in the society is much better than any other capitalist countries of equal standard. On the other hand, the country is fast entering the list of industrialized countries. As you walk along the river in Ho Chi Minh City, you will see hundreds of skyscrapers being built around it and a Canadian company investing ৬ 5.6 billion in a project here. You will soon see that Asia is an economic country. Becoming a superpower.







Let’s go back to the travel journey. I landed at 1 pm and took a taxi to the hotel at 2 pm. My hotel was inside District 1 and from here all the important tourist spots can be reached on foot within 20/30 minutes. We left the bag at the hotel without taking a bath and started walking. Note that I had a younger brother with me up to this city who is one of my business associates and his name is Saif. He is a very flexible boy; I’m really lucky to have a travel partner like her. Anyway, we reached Google Notre Dame Cathedral in 20/25 minutes. Right next to it is the giant Central Post Office which has a hundred years of tradition. I read the history there for a while and then walked to the Bitexlo Saigon Skydeck, the tallest building in Vietnam. The Saigon River flows alongside it. The beautifully paved pavements along the river and the small park-shaped infrastructure are gone for miles and miles. Was. The night was over, I came to the hotel on foot and after filling my stomach with nan bread, roasted chicken, feather cheese and mixed vegetables at the Indian restaurant, I had dinner and got a big sleep for 8 hours at 1 o’clock at night. One thing I want to share is that Indian food is very expensive wherever you go in the world!

In fact, in the last few days, I have not had more than 3 / 3.5 hours of sleep. I got up in the morning and left the hotel after breakfast at my much awaited Wire Remnant Museum. I bought a ticket in 40,000 Vietnamese style and entered. I have seen such a beautiful graphic presentation of the museum in very few countries in the world. The full details of the terrible Vietnamese war are given here. Anyone can see these

You can’t help but be shocked. I kept thinking about the shameless and brutal torture and torture of the Pakistani barbaric soldiers in our war of independence. I have already given an overall description of this in my Facebook posting. We took some video footage and stills to their Independent Palace or Palace of Reunification and booked 75,000 tickets to enter the huge palace. The Revolutionary Forces of Minneapolis entered here and the unconditional surrender of the President of the South to them ensured the defeat of the United States (although the United States withdrew its troops in 1963) and the emergence of independent Vietnam through the union of the North and the South. After seeing this, I came to the hotel with a tired body, took a bath, took a 30 minute rest and left for the city center again; The purpose was to draw a comparative picture of the Hanoi market with the Knight Street market there. But not going because of the distance, I walked around the tourist streets and had a light dinner outside and returned to the hotel. The next day, January 23, at 9 am, the flight again; The destination is Singapore!


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