How to get there: -The location of this lake before Mirsarai on Dhaka-Chitagan Road Those who could not go to Boga Lake due to lack of time can easily see this lake. It is much bigger in size than Bagar and is a hilly lake like Bagar but the
From Mirsarai main stand in Chittagong, you have to go here through BRAC Poultry Office. You will be able to go to the backyard on the Zigzag and hilly paths through Boalia Jharna and Baisya Chhara. Or you can go to the yard by looking at the Boalia fountain and taking the
Location: Mahamaya Lake Many people want to get lost in the waves of the sea. But in reality, it is not possible for everyone. For that, You can also go kayaking on Mahamaya Lake to get some of these feelings. WAY TO GO: Take a bus
Take a "one-day" tour of three famous places of Chittagong, Mahamaya Lake, Guliyakhali Sea Beach, Bashbaria Sea Beach. >> How To GO - Here is our tour plan.I got up from Dhaka Abdullahpur by Ena Bus at 10 pm and Reached Feni district town at 4:30 pm.