Nuhash Palli.

Piruj Ali is located in the village which is the largest village in Bangladesh. The late Humayun Ahmed established the Nuhash Palli in Gazipur, not far from Dhaka. Hotapara Bazar is 12 km away from Gazipur crossroads. Nuhash Palli is located in Pirujali village, 6 km away from there which is made

Visit Siniolchur from Panchagarh.

Apart from Panchagarh and Kanchenjunga, Siniolchu is one of the surrounding mountains. When I reached near Banglabandha to see Siniolchu, there were 5 minutes left till 6 o'clock in the morning. This time the purpose was not Kanchenjunga. Siniolchu is one of the highest mountains in Sikkim. Siniolchuke is considered one of